the end of the beginning

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                  The beginning of the war

Today is the day

today is the day that will decide the fate of the world,the day that will change the world entirely

By the thick and large forest of jura stood the army of the great alliance,though they were at a great number of over two million soldiers including the newly sent troops of princess bowsette

The forest was filled with the monster army,who were ready to defend their home and the tree of life no matter what it took

The entire army consisted of the army of tempest,the demon lords subordinates,the goddesses and their followers,the monsters who came to help because of chaos and the guardians

They had several people who could take on an army of thousands or even a million!

But it was nothing compared to their enemies

The sky was covered by flying devils and Angel's while the ground was occupied by over a billion knight and mages and other types of warriors all specialized in killing monsters

And not only them,but other great beings such as golems and griffins and even giant metallic golems

They had catapults that gave the impression of being rocks in a dried ocean from their sheer number

And coming with them in the skies where the flying devils and Angel's along with pegasus or Griffin riding knights

But the thing they didn't expect the most were the monsters that all looked like carnage and toxin,the numbered at about one thousand

And behind them were the gods and devil kings who were all wearing their armors along with their children or family members

And then,there was one special group that was standing with them

Young teenagers who all were stronger than the gods themselves

Those were the champions of the gods,they were much stronger than the gods United and would be enough to end this war by themselves

And by the side of the great alliance they had

The eight stars demon lords

The four goddesses along with their sisters and helpers

The guardians

Shantae and BT

And miek who was maybe their biggest asset

Rimuru looked at the troops of the gods and devils

"Well at least now we know that we're going to lose"he said facing reality

"Even so we can't just let them pass,sure their army doesn't seem to end but we have to resist enough for y/n to get here or for a miracle to happen"said Grimm

"We shouldn't count too much on y/n for this one"said theo

"Shut up and get ready to fight"scolded him artorias

Then a loud voice echoed through the entire battlefield

"Monster's of heresy,this is your final chance for retribution,surrender and we will spare your lives,fight!and you shall all be exorcised"

Rimuru was about to tell him that they wouldn't give up but Grimm held him

"I got this *ahem* *ahem*

FUCK OFF!!" He shouted

Ceasar sighed

"Let us begin"he said to his armies

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