20: Aftermath

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Hi there! I just managed to finish this chapter and hope, that you'll enjoy it!

The return to dry land was a quiet one. An exhausted silence hung over Angel Island, that Knuckles steered in the red-orange light of the setting sun in the direction Rouge gave him. She had 'borrowed' a navigation device from one of the GUN-soldiers and used it now to find the right course.

The guardian had decided to take the airway, as he had a good hunch, that his home had been able to land without a problem this close to the Island because of Shy's help. She had probably somehow made space for his island by opening the ground enough for it to fit in, or something like that.

As she was unconscious now, he rather didn't try to let it swim. There were important places under Angel Island's ground, he couldn't risk damaging them by bumping with undersea rocks.

Knuckles looked briefly to the side, where Shy was, hidden with Mighty and Blush's cocoon in Scythe's fur, as she had currently the form of a giant wolf.

Even though the green furred hedgette was sore and had been knocked out for a while, she had managed to get her weapon and to drag her friends on one spot on the clearing, where the temple stood on, to curl around them protectively afterwards. Currently, she was deeply asleep, but her ears never stopped moving, always listening for dangers.

The male GUN-soldiers had retreated with the arrested in a far corner of the island, that Knuckles had shown them, after they had disposed of the bodies of the Island's employees, that hadn't been dissolved by the nanobots, yet. They had just left them on the beach, to get them later with a special unit. There was no way for any of them to tell, if the deactivated nanobots could somehow come back to life and maybe infect others. John, Eggman and Tails had all three come to the conclusion, that they were harmless in the living beings, but neither of them had been able to say, if it was the same for those, who had already died.

Shadow, Mephiles and Fleetway had taken it up to themselves to raid the whole building of the Island for any forgotten people and it wasn't so clear, if they didn't find someone – or just didn't leave them alive. At least the hedgehogs had been all out of the complex already and no one of them had been left behind.

Kylie had managed to convince the three semes afterwards to take a bath in the sea to wash off the blood, which was a great relief for everyone conscious in their range.

Now, the trio sat against the temple, with their ukes in their laps, the submissive hedgehogs wrapped in blankets, that the semes had found in the building during their search. They had brought much more of those and given them to the ukes in the hut, following Shadow's suggestion. He had imagined, that it would be something Sonic would appreciate.

The three semes held some distance to each other, but not much. Shadow could guess, that their instincts dictated 'safety in numbers'.

Sonic's brother Tails sat close to him, staring at the hero almost without blinking, as if he would disappear, if he looked away for a second.

Fleetway was also staring holes in Scourge's face, while Mephiles looked most of the time around, highly on guard, and only sometimes looked at Silver for a few seconds, before returning his attention back to his surroundings. Shadow quickly noticed, that he did the same, he also checked on the fox sometimes.

All three semes snapped to attention, when they heard the rustling of bushes, but relaxed, when they saw Kylie coming towards them, the baby in her arm and the infusion in her free hand.

"Chaos, don't scare me like that! Where were you anyway?," Fleetway snarled, drawing Scourge closer to him.

"I took a look around, if everyone's alright.," Kylie explained calmly. "Didn't you have John and Eggman with you?," Tails asked. He had quickly found out, that the human was the friend Sonic had meant. Kylie had left with them, after he and the semes had settled down, and the two men had been very fond of accompanying her – probably because of the death glares they got from the three hedgehogs. The woman was the only one immune to those glares and they rather stayed close to her, than being alone with the aggressive trio.

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