7: NEVER mess with a seme!

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WOOHOO! I passed my most important exam! Time to celebrate! And to upload a new chapter. Hope you like it!

Kylie was on edge. It had been around 24 hours, since Sonic had been brought to Paradise – and now, Perringten had called her to a special floor. The last time he has wanted her by his side, he had showed her, what happened on Paradise, three years ago. She still had nightmares from this. Now, what was the horror this time?

The lift she had been in stopped with a violent jerk and the doors opened with a slight 'ding'. She took a deep breath. Underground level three. She was there.

Kylie stepped out of the elevator and looked around. She had been ordered to come to -3/01, but she had never before heard of it. Thankfully, there was a big 01 painted over the double doors on her right. She walked to them, they swung open automatically and she saw a bunch of people, all standing in front of a big window, that was most likely an one way window.

Perringten, who stood in front of the group, turned around upon hearing the doors and a big smile appeared on his face. Kylie's blood ran cold. When a sadist like him was in a good mood – it was always bad news for the hedgehogs.

"Ah, Dr. Ellen, glad you could make it! I hope, I didn't hold you up on your work.," he smiled in a nearly friendly way, motioning her closer to the group of human men – Kylie was the only female being on the whole Island – and the window.

"Oh, er...no...I...I have time.," Kylie answered with a – halfhearted – smile. "Good! I had hoped, that you would witness my newest experiment! Come, he is just waking up!," Perringten said.

This didn't sound good and Kylie had to force herself to go and stand beside Perringten. Her breath hitched upon seeing the creature on the other side of the window.

It was Sonic. The poor thing was chained on his wrists and ankles, so that he stood upright. The chains around his ankles were so short, that he was unable to move. His fur had been shaved off at places, because he had had infusions, or his blood had been drawn – or both. The puncture wounds hadn't been patched up, so that there were dried blood trails on his body. 

He trembled, while he came back to his senses, maybe for the first time in a day. He blinked and shook his head to try and shake off the dizziness. His glare brushed several times over Kylie, but he didn't show signs of recognition – or general seeing. He saw most likely just his own mirror image, unaware of the viewers.

Sonic seemed to be fully awake now and tugged at his chains, trying to break free, but it was no use, they were too strong for the still weakened uke.

"Let him out.," Perringten ordered one of the scientists next to him. He nodded and pressed a button on a little remote. A door behind Sonic opened and in swayed an apparently highly drugged seme with...a gas mask!?

"S-Sir...er...this...this seme...," Kylie stuttered. "Ah, you're wondering about the mask?" Perringten sounded even more exited.

No, I was wondering, why you're such an asshole., Kylie thought, but nodded. "Let me explain." He took a file from one of the other men, opened it and showed Kylie a picture of a strange bloody thing, that lay in blood red sand. It looked, as if it had been buried and dug out again. "Do you know, what this is?," he asked.

Besides disgusting, gross and made for you?  "No, sir.," she answered truthfully. "This is the heart of a seme. During number 299's last trip to paradise, the semes started to fight against each other for no reason. One of the semes ripped this heart out of another and tried to gift it to 299.," he explained.

"That is-" As I said: DIS-GUS-TING! "-an unusual behavior.," Kylie managed to say. "Exactly! We did some tests on this uke and the result is, that no seme besides his chosen one would ever try to mate with him without his consent! And this message is delivered via his scent! The heart was probably meant as some kind of coaxing, I suppose, or as a trophy, to prove, that he's the strongest. To go around this uke's natural scent and protection, this seme wears a mask, that lets him smell an artificial scent of another uke and conceals the real one."

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