2: Psycho terror

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A week passed and everything seemed to be normal. However, Tails noticed, that Sonic acted slightly different.

He was jumpier, for example when he had sneaked up behind him and said "Boo!". It was a game between them, just for fun, nothing more. This time, however, Sonic had gotten so scared, that he had ran up a tree and stayed there for two hours, before Tails had found him and explained everything. After that, Sonic had played the whole incident down.

But that wasn't all. Sonic got scared by every loud noise, for example,when Tails threw the front door shut like always, and sometimes, he even jumped by mere shadows on the walls – even his own!

He ate less, not even a whole chilidog in a day, and he seemed to sleep longer, straight in the afternoon, Tails noticed, when he had let him sleep to see how long it would take him to wake up on his own. And even then he had looked still tired.

Sonic suddenly didn't like being alone anymore, he followed Tails everywhere, even in the bathroom, always finding excuses for his behavior. But not only for that, he also always had excuses, when Tails suggested to visit one of their friends. Though, not always. He gladly visited Cream, Vanilla and Amy, but when Tails wanted to visit Knuckles, Chaotix or someone else, he refused with excuses, that got crazier the more he had to invent them. He said things like: To Knuckles? Er...I actually wanted to take a swim, you know? or: Rotor? You know, I heard of this really fancy gardening center, I should pay it a visit...

It took Tails a few days to notice a similarity: all the friends Sonic refused to see were males. And as he knew, ukes were careful around males, that could overpower them. Now, that he thought about it...in the book he read, it said, that ukes got easily scared...

When Sonic, seven days after his forced outing thanks to Eggman, for the third time this week refused to join him and Knuckles on Angel Island, Tails asked him directly, what was wrong, not ignoring his changes anymore. Sonic sighed tiredly and plopped on the couch in their living room, from where he hadn't moved since this morning,just watching TV, instead of running like always.

"I don't know. I...I feel weird.," the blue hedgehog said. "Weird ? Weird, like...ill?," Tails asked confused.

"No...just...different. I can't explain it.," Sonic sighed and waved his hand to chase a mosquito away. As it was summer, those little beasts were everywhere.

"This uke-thing isn't getting to you, is it? You know, you act a little like one without a seme.," Tails stated, now concerned.

"Come on. I'm no typical uke." Sonic flashed him his usual grin and a thumbs-up. He seemed normal to Tails...

They both jumped, when a news report on the television, that Sonic had watched without interest before, suddenly popped up and announced a new attack of Eggman in a city nearby.

"Well, time to work." Sonic jumped up, as cheerful as ever and ran out of the house. Tails, still thinking about what might have gotten into him, sat in front of the television and watched the fight from there.

Once Sonic came to the city, he attacked the new giant robot, that was equipped with lots of lasers.

Strangely, his attack didn't even leave a dent in the metal, that he normally cut through like a knife did with butter.

Sonic stopped, out of breath. Why was he out of breath!? Running and fighting never exhausted him that much!

"What's wrong, rodent? Too weak?," Eggman taunted and let his robot attack with one of the lasers, aiming straight at him.

Sonic wanted to dodge, but- he couldn't move! He got hit in the chest and was thrown in a building behind him, that collapsed, luckily not on him. Instead, he lay on the remains of the building on his back. He tried to stand up, but he still couldn't move, he could only whimper in pain and tremble.

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