10: A deal with the devil

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Finally, there will be Mephilver and Fleetourge, too! Did you really think I forgot that? Oh, and before you ask - yes, Mephiles has a mouth. I didn't want to concentrate on that, so he simply has one.

A blue ear twitched upon hearing a strange noise. It wasn't the tray with food, so he looked up. He backed away, when he saw, that the wall opposite of the door sunk in the ground. Instead of leaving an empty space, where the wall had been, a row of mattresses, as new as they ever could be, appeared out of the floor, that turned around quickly to reveal them, making them build a very flat and soft frontier.

Sonic looked past it and discovered two more hedgehogs with him in the now larger room, a silver one and a green one. The silver one was closer to him and looked terrified from left to right, obviously, the walls on his both sides had moved and scared him. The green hedgehog, instead, looked with dull blue eyes over his shoulder and turned slowly, on guard, around, so that he faced the now bigger room. Something told Sonic, that the other two were also ukes, it let him feel a little safer. Ukes didn't rape ukes, as far as he was concerned.

"Hello.," he started. The silver hedgehog, who seemed about fourteen years old, looked at him, insecure. "H-hi...," he rasped, being pretty hoarse. "What's your name?," Sonic asked, feeling already protective towards the younger one. "I-I'm Silver. And y-you?" "Just call me Sonic. And you?," he asked the green hedgehog, that looked quite like him. He rolled his eyes. "Scourge.," he grumbled. "Y-you're not going to hurt me...right?," Silver asked,scared.

Sonic crawled closer – as weak as his legs were, as sick as he felt, since he woke up here for the first time, and as unsteady as the floor was, he didn't try to stand up and walk – until he could pet the younger one's head, like he used to do it with Tails. "Don't worry, nobody's going to hurt you, as long, as I'm here, promise." Silver smiled shyly and allowed Sonic to sit next to him.

They both looked over to Scourge and he slowly came a little closer. Sonic noticed the many wounds on his body, that made movement most likely very painful, while Silver was strangely unharmed. Not that he minded, he was not older than fourteen, Sonic estimated, while Scourge was maybe eighteen, a little older than him. They both didn't deserve being in this place and he wanted nothing more, than to protect those two.

All three hedgehogs looked up, when a new tray, bigger this time and with three portions of fruit, was let down from the ceiling. "Are you hungry?," Scourge asked, it sounded like a challenge. The other two shook their heads, ignoring the grumbling of their stomachs.

24 hours passed and Kylie was close to giving up. No matter, what she tried, the ukes refused to eat and drink and even to sleep (although they did nap, for a few minutes now and then) and got weaker and weaker. She had convinced Perringten to let them meet, as ukes were very social, and although they got to be friends already, they still refused to eat and it was obvious, that they had gotten worse since yesterday.

Of course, she could have just shown her face and they would have eaten, but she knew, what she had to do to them sooner or later and therefore, she was afraid. She didn't want to lose their trust, hurt them more with her betrayal.

While looking for a solution, she browsed through their files and noticed something interesting. Not only Sonic had built a relationship in this hell – Silver and Scourge did, too. They both had had close contact to two semes, who were locked away right now...in cells like Shadow's. Coincidence? Absolutely not!

Running out of options – and time, as the ukes were getting worse by the minute, it seemed at least like that – she decided, that this was the only solution.

She left the room and made her way up to the top floor, where Perringten's office was. She had never been there and was a little curious about how it would look like. She imagined all kinds of offices, from terrifying, with hedgehog skins at the walls, to absolutely crazy, with flower print wallpaper.

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