4: Paradise

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Surprise! As my last chapter was fairly short and quite boring (though necessary!), I thought, I'll give you the next one, too. Besides, Sonadow starts here, so why let you wait any longer? Have fun!

Sonic needed a few days to recover from the fever. During this time, his friends stayed by his side, as if it was the last time they would see him. They didn't think much about it, but they all, besides Sonic, had a bad feeling. Maybe it was just dread or discomfort, because they wouldn't see each other for a while and wouldn't be able to talk with him, too. Of course, it was for the best, for him and all, but...well, they couldn't name this 'but'.

Tails told Sonic about everything he knew about the institute. Sometimes, the exhausted hedgehog would fall asleep during his descriptions, but Tails continued, as he needed to convince himself.

Amy would chat with Sonic as much as he could, Knuckles would just sit with him and Cream would shower him with flowers and pictures she drew for him.

Three days later, Sonic was as well as he could be in his condition and Tails called Prof. Bryan.

Only an hour later, a limousine parked in front of the house of the brothers and Sonic stepped out. According to Bryan, he wouldn't need anything, as they had plenty of clothes and supplies, but if there would be a need, they would be able to get it themselves. After a last goodbye-hug for Tails and a bro-fist for Knuckles, Sonic got in before Bryan and they drove off.

Tails looked after the car with a knot in his stomach. The tears, that he had held back in the last days for Sonic's sake, now fell freely.Knuckles hugged him in a comforting way, being as gentle as he could be. "We've done the right thing.," he said, what he had said the last few days to the younger one. "Then why does it feel so wrong?," the heartbroken fox whispered in his fur.

Meanwhile, Sonic sat in the limousine. He had never before been in a car, as he normally ran. Therefore, he was pretty nervous and had a hard time with keeping his quills down, so he wouldn't shred his seat.

He jumped a little, when he heard a noise. His head whipped around, but it was only a mini bar the professor had opened. He poured a red liquid out of a carafe in a cup and gave it to Sonic, who hesitated to take it.

"It's just tea. Many ukes are nervous, when they get to us. It'll calm you down." "Oh. Okay, thanks." Sonic took the cup and sipped it. The tea wasn't hot anymore and he could drink it easily. Once the warm liquid reached his stomach, he felt better and he drank more, until the cup was emptied. Finally relaxed, he gave the cup back and leaned back without cutting the seat.

"Well done." He looked up, still strangely relaxed, even though the voice had come out of nowhere. Somewhere in his mind, he was startled to see the stranger in the back of the car, who he only noticed now, that he spoke, and who switched on a light, that illuminated his figure.

It was another human, but pretty old. He had neatly combed white hair, a wrinkled face with a wicked smile and a maniac-like glare behind his round glasses. He wore a lab coat and had a walking stick with a skull shaped ivory tip in his hand.

"It really was a challenge to get you, you know?," he spoke again, his voice cold and merciless. This didn't sound good, but his body refused to tense. Oh no... "W-what...d-did you d-d-do?," he asked, his voice slurred.

"Don't worry, it was just a drug to make you sleep. I don't want you to get a heart attack during the transport, right?," the man asked with a cruel chuckle. "T-transport?" "But yes, I have big plans with you." The dark eyes of the other shimmered in the darkness.

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