Ch. 17: Life Everywhere Has Nice Surprises

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[1] 两撇小胡子; a mustache which looks like this 八.

[2] 一枚黄金板戒; I think this is the type of ring referred to;

[2] 一枚黄金板戒; I think this is the type of ring referred to;

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[3] The sentence is meant sarcastically.

[4] 鸡鸭鱼肉; literally chicken, duck, fish, and meat. This can be understood as rich food or all kinds of meat.

[5] 鲤鱼打挺; This is easily understood when seen but rather difficult to describe. Look at the initial 10 seconds of this video clip; Struggling, Jumping Carp

[6]品官; There are 9 grades of officials.

[7] 藏龙卧虎; This is literally hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Some readers may recognize the phrase as it's also the name of a movie. The saying refers to people with unusual though unrecognized talents.

[8] pergola; a garden structure which provides a shaded walkway and/or sitting area using posts that support cross-beams. Vines can be trained to grow on the structure.

 Vines can be trained to grow on the structure

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Ch 17 – Life Everywhere Has Nice Surprises

Su Tang and Xiao Mo chatted as they walked, so the journey didn't feel long. As soon as Su Tang walked past the main street and arrived at that 3-forked crossroad at the east main street, she saw the incessant stream of horses, carriages, and people bustling about. Despite appearing to be composed, it was still difficult to conceal the astonishment in her eyes.

Su Tang was thinking, with her small abacus going ping, ping. With these many people, if each person buys a box of pastry, even if 1 box is 10 minted coins it's sufficient for her to make an exorbitant profit!

Su Tang was throwing quite a few approving looks toward Xiao Mo. By the time she caught sight of the store that he mentioned, she threw him even more complimentary looks. Of course, her composed, capable and experienced head turned around to yet carry an indifferent appearance.

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