What Happened In The Night

Start from the beginning

"Are we ready?" Sun asked through the mic.

"Yes. In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1." With the click of a button, the security system at the Medthanet building and those surrounding same, went into a loop. the transition happened in less than a second, and as a result was noted by the security device's log as a blip, but did not raise any alarms. After all, these blips happened all the time.

"And we are good to go."

"Move team, move." Sun's voice came lightly over the wire and Koda could only listen.

Sun had gotten involved in this simply because Ae needed help. He had gotten to know Can when Ae and Pete were having their second anniversary dinner. At that time, Can had dragged Tin over with him and Tin had reminded him of his own wife, sitting there sulking and not wanting to be a part. 

The two had sat there and compared their spouses only to find they were more alike than they thought. It had also created a bond and found the two calling to complain about their other half, knowing the other would understand.

When Ae approached Sun to help with the situation, he had immediately said yes. He also organized the team who would be helping in the situation which included Dear and his husband.

With precision, they dismounted the statues and loaded them up and into the vans. The entire statues were actually quite heavy but they had been created to separate and that made this process so much easier.

"Foot patrol appearing in 10."

"Ok. Faster people. We have 10 minutes." Sun warned his crew. They dismounted the statues then placed fake plastic versions in their place. The Security walked by and swept his light. He noticed nothing out of place and moved on. Five minutes after his absence, the team was back. They took away the fakes and began mounting  the new scenes.

The first was a small cluster. The smiling brother with the knife handed a faceless person a baggie. The drugs were clearly defined inside a marijuana. Behind the faceless pawn was a phone with just the numbers 911 which clearly showed the police had been called, then the other brother in handcuffs while faces were suspended around him using rods that were whispering to each other. It was clear that some set up had taken place and many who saw this scene would recall the incident of Tin being in the newspapers regarding some drug incident in England. They would ponder that Tin was never seen in any of those parties here in Thailand nor had he been caught by the police with drugs since then. Many would become suspicious.

The second scene was that of the brother in the center smiling, the knife ever present in his hand, surrounded by persons who seem to admire him while his brother stands on the outside. looking away. The placement is strategic as the brothers are back to back even with people between them. While the dangerous one is surrounded by admirers, the other brother is alone yet seems to be reaching out to someone and just a hand created to the wrist is hovering over his. There is a small smile on his face. It is tiny but it is happy.

The last scene is of the oldest brother sitting on a throne with a lopsided crown on his head. He has the knife in one hand and millions of puppet strings in the other with people hanging from them and the Medthanet building at his feet. The big open smile is still on his face and he looks so trustworthy and kind. When most people look at the statue from then on, they often claim goosebumps or shudder from a creepy feeling they could not describe.

At his back sits another throne with the other brother. The crown is firmly placed on his head this time and his face was again in a small smile. he sat facing four people who were also faceless but the positioning suggested mutual respect and co-operation.

It took 20 minutes to mount the new statues. 

"Mounting is complete. Tool check everyone."

Once by one came the affirmative. 

"Litter check."

Another affirmative.

"Ok. Wipedown Crew, you are a go." Koda said from the van. As Sun and his people left, another crew, this time from Koda's personal selection, moved in and quietly but competently wiped down the statues from any fibers, dust or stray prints because accidents do happen and everything that remained was evidence.

Koda monitored Sun's crew as they moved off to the direction of the Medthanet main house. Despite having his own home, Tul was often seen there, especially now that Tin had moved out into his own place. He would bring his son and wife there almost every weekend, enforcing the illusion of a loving family who spent time together.

"Wipedown crew, are we finished?"

"Yes. We are packing up."

"Good because foot patrol is early. I repeat foot patrol is early."

"We are moving." 

The crew moved off but to Koda's surprised the foot patrol didn't come that way. Were they being lazy? Was it a new guy? They had a fixed route. This deviation was a surprise. He tapped into the security office feed. 

"Yeah I'm not feeling too good. Maybe it's acid reflux. My chest is killing me."

"I's ok Minho. We have everything on camera. Just do a quick check of the blind spots."

"Ok got it."

Oh. Tin and Can are such lucky fuckers. Imagine having chest pains and not doing the proper patrol. That shit is just priceless. He fed that to Sun who laughed.

"Ok eta is 15. You want to switch feed now or you want to wait till we get there."

"Yeah secure your spot. Once you do, I'll go from there."

Koda monitored everything carefully. When Sun reported they were in the neighbourhood and had secured a spot, he cut the loop feed and reset the camera to real time.

That took him a little longer but still not long enough to trigger the alarms. When it took 5 minutes and the security inside still hadn't noticed the changes, Koda pursed his lips and was starting to think he would have to trigger the alarms himself. Then one of the security personnel noticed the difference in that sector.

"Hey Minho, where's Pitt? Send him out to sector A5 please."

"The statues?"

"Yeah. They look off. I think there's more of them."

"Fuck. You can't see from there?"

"No the lighting is bad." Well that explained a lot. Their video feed was in black and white. If the lighting was bad then the chances of them noticing that there was a change would be lower.

He listened as Pitt went down to check sector A5.

"Ah. We have a problem. There are new statues. Completely new ones and the old ones are gone."

"Shit! Fuck!" There was a series of curses before the security personnel called his boss who called his boss who called Tul who woke his dad and they left the house a good half an hour after that. Koda confirmed their departure.

The house was actually a lot tougher to deal with than the office. The house security was top notch and he had been forced to buy the program and install it on his own house, then practice on it. It had taken him several months. Now though, he easily got into Tri's security, opened the gate and let the van drive in. They moved quickly and remounted the statues on the lawn, wearing special suits that covered them from the soles of their feet to the crown of their heads. 

It took them much longer to remount the statues but they did it within half an hour before climbing back into the van and driving out. After 20 minutes, Koda triggered the alarm and watched as sleeping staff, Tri's second wife and Tul's wife and child hurried out of the house. Both spouses immediately called their husbands and not five minutes after, the police arrived.

Koda continued to monitor everything from the house security. When the police moved towards the house, he restored the security and pulled out. 

Quietly he drove away and returned home. 

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