My Annoying (girl?!)Friend

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Requested by camillarosex this is a SunsetDash/RainbowShimmer story.

My name is Sunset Shimmer. I have a sort of bad girl reputation, ever since the dreaded Fall Formal when I stole a crown from a pony world and it turned me into a raging she-demon. But I've improved since then. I even have 6 friends. Let me tell you about them.

My best friend is Twilight Sparkle. Picture any stereotypical nerd. That's her. She has built a drone that takes pictures, plays fetch, and acts as a can opener for Celestia's sake! We've been as close as sisters since I saved her from being a demon (long story).

Then there's Applejack. She's a farm girl who is honest and hard-working.

And Pinkie Pie, who is always ready to party and laugh, despite the fact that her family is grimmer than the Grim Reaper.

Fluttershy is quiet and kind. She loves animals and they love her (Twilight's dog Spike mostly)

Rarity and I have rocky history. I may or may not have posted videos that completely ruined her reputation the time she ran against me for Princess of the Spring Fling. But I apologized and now we're friends.

And then, there's Rainbow Dash. We have always been the competitive friends, even going as far as little insults. She calls me a dork and I call her an egghead, that sort of thing. But I feel awkward around her for whatever reason. It's like I... like her? No, that's ridiculous. We are just friends. But then, why do I get butterflies in my stomach whenever I'm around her lately?

No. I can't think like that. After all, I have a boyfriend.

Flash Sentry. He and I are dating now. We got back together the week before we went to Camp Everfree.

Camp Everfree is where I am now, actually. We just dealt with Gaia Everfree.

Now, I stand on the newly finished (for the third time) dock with my friends. We all have our arms around each other.

But then, everyone looks at Dash and me and they leave with snickers. I don't get it. All we do is torment each other (in a friendly way).

But I know my feelings toward her are changing. And I don't like it.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Dash kisses me on the cheek.

"What was that?!" I ask quickly.

"...sorry," she says.

"Yeah. I'm gonna go now," I say.

I have to sleep on what happened and how I feel about it. I don't know what to do. I climb into my cot and try to forget the whole thing.

"Hey," Twilight says from her cot across the room. "Something wrong?"

"No," I say.

"Come on, Sunset," she says. "I know you. Spill."

"Okay," I sigh. "I-I think I like Rainbow Dash."

"Well go tell her then!" Twilight says.

"It's like midnight," I say. "She won't be up." But I sigh and go to her tent anyway.

"Dash?" I say quietly as I walk in. "You up?"

"Sunset?" Dash's voice says. "What are you doing here?"

"I... I like you," I say. Her eyes widen. "Like, like like you."

"But I thought-" she said. I stop her with a kiss.

Then, there's a snickering somewhere in the tent. 

"Oh shut up AJ!" Dash says. I laugh.

I know this seems rushed and I'm sorry.

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