Rainbooms Rainbows

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Guys, heads up, this is gonna get intense.

Rainbooms Rainbows. That was the title of the article that everyone had read. And none of it got good feedback.

It all started when three someone's began to follow the Rainbooms. Each of them had a camera. They never documented things like small kisses in overly crowded hallways at school. These girls waited until the Rainbooms were alone to get their pictures.

The first girl wore a purple cloak, fastened together with an orange clip. The second wore a green cloak with a purple clip, and the third, pink with blue. They never revealed any part of them. Just cloaks and black clothes, gloves, and masks.

The purple cloak followed Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie to the park one evening. After a while of them just sitting on a bench in the deserted park with their arms around each other, Pinkie fell asleep on Rainbow's shoulder. The purple-cloaked girl seized her chance. Rainbow looked around her, and once she was sure that nobody was around, kissed Pinkie's forehead. The purple girl took a picture. She laughed maniacally as she ran back to her friends.

That same evening, the green girl got a picture of Rarity and Applejack kissing. The pink girl managed to get about 50 photos of her thumb, which her friends ridiculed her for, but she also managed to get one good one of Sunset giving Twilight a peck on the cheek. They uploaded the photos to a computer and set to work singing sweetly and writing an article online. A red glow cane from under the cloaks. They tagged the Rainbooms and posted it on social media. The title?

Rainbooms Rainbows.

Somehow, these girls all had followers on social media, even though they had never posted their faces. By morning, everyone had read this article and sent it to their friends. The Rainbooms were truly perplexed when the all the gigs they had booked, not only called to cancel, but insisted on talking to Fluttershy of all people, as they left their sleepover at Sunset Shimmer's house to go to school.

They were further confused when everyone gave them weird stares in the halls all day and avoided them in class. Everyone except Lyra and Bon Bon, that is. For some reason, these girls stalked them. Nobody else would so much as speak to them. After school, they decided it was best to go straight home and not hang out at the mall or anything.

Pinkie Pie had to go back into school for her science textbook, and then back again for her actual science homework, and then once more for her bookbag. It was one of those days. So she walked home completely alone.

Suddenly, someone shoved her from behind. Pinkie threw out her hands to catch her, but her arm gave out. She fell on the sidewalk, landing on her elbow with her hand on her face, which she had thrown up at the last second to protect her face. She tested if she could move her arm, and sighed in relief when she found she could. Then, she screamed when the boy who had shoved her walked on her other arm on purpose.

In front if her now, the boy was laughing. He had orange hair and light blue skin. She pushed herself up with one arm and looked him in the eye. She tried to pull out a handful of sprinkles to throw at his feet, but ended up dropping the jar and having a large section of the sidewalk explode at her feet instead. Pinkie didn't even know this boy's name, let alone why he wanted to hurt her.

He shoved Pinkie down again and began calling her all sorts of homophobic slurs, still kicking her while she was down. She wasn't able to get up while he was still there. Eventually, the boy saw that it was useless because she wasn't reacting anymore. Pinkie was just crying silently. He kicked her in the face one more time and walked away.

By now, Pinkie had closed her eyes, unable to move. She had blood running down her face from her broken nose. Someone walked by and screamed. Within minutes, the paramedics were there, calling the 2 ICE contacts in her phone and loading her into an ambulance.

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