Chatroom Prank (pt. 2)

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Song used: Demons by Imagine Dragons


Rainbow Dash couldn't believe Pinkie Pie! She had made Rainbow believe she had officially lost it (not that she was ever really sane to begin with. We're talking bucket of turnips and bag of flour lost it). She had made Rainbow reveal that she still played with dolls and that they were dating. And Rainbow was going to get her back. She started a group text with all of her friends minus Pinkie.

🌈Rainbow: Guys, you gotta help me get Pinkie back! We're using the song Demons. She made me think she was crazy so I'm going to do the exact same thing to her.

🍏Applejack: Oh no. I ain't helping ya with a lyric prank!

🐰Fluttershy: Me neither!

👗Rarity: Rainbow Dash, darling, it's not a good idea.

☀️Sunset: Revenge is never the answer, trust me.

📚Twilight: I'll do it.

🌈Rainbow: Well now I know who's really on my side.

🐰Fluttershy: Oh, I'm sorry. I'll do it I guess.

🌈Rainbow: Thank you.

☀️Sunset: Fiiiiiiiinne.

👗Rarity: If I must.

🍏Applejack: Well I guess so. Sure wouldn't want it to look like I'm pickin' favorites.

📚Twilight: I was in from the start. You all saw that. I love Demons anyway.

☀️Sunset: I want ice cream ooh look a squirrel must not chase it must not chase it I'm chasing it

👗Rarity: Sunset are you okay?

☀️Sunset: jejajdhshavdbskspike give me my phone

☀️Sunset: Spike ahsh dndban nabdbs drop mand bsbsv her phone alfgagsjdhav

☀️Sunset: Oh please tell me I didn't hit send you must have my phone is going off like crazy and yours isn't making any sounds and now my voice text is stuck on wonderful calm down give me the phone fine here fix it I'm trying calm down

🍏Applejack: Who else is with ya because I know you're not sayin' all that.

☀️Sunset: Twilight you hit send just give me a second I'm getting there there it should be off whoops guess not ugh give it to me I'll turn the phone off no wait that's the

🌈Rainbow: Uhh, Sunset? You okay...?

☀️Sunset: ... Spike stole my phone. And then the voice text was on. And then Twilight hit send trying to fix it. And then I hit send trying to get my phone back from Twilight.

🐰Fluttershy: I was starting to get worried that you had gone crazy.

🌈Rainbow: I got the chat room up. It's called Cupcakes. Everyone go to Twilight's house since apparently Sunset Shimmer's already there.

👗Rarity: Why do we have to go to anyone's house?

🌈Rainbow: So I can tell you who's hitting send and when and what to write.

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