Chapter 12

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At Hana's Mansion

Before Jungkook could even touch the door handle Hana jumped in front of him to where their noses were touching.

She grabbed his forearm as he tried to back up. He tried pulling his arm out her grasp but it was no use.

"Jungkook what the fuck is wrong with you? Calm the hell down! It's obviously not what it looks like! Got me running after you like this is some damn soap Opera" Hana complains.

"Well no one told you to come after me" Jungkook snaps.

"Look. can we be mature about this? Please?" Hana begs

Jungkook's face scrunched up in confusion "What do you mean by that?"

"Exactly what the fuck I said, you're being  childish right now and I just need you to act your age" Hana clarifies bluntly.

Jungkook Looks taken aback by her statement "I know damn well you're not calling me a child".

Hana rolled her eyes "Well first of all I said you're acting like a child but take it the way you like,  and to be honest you might as well be a child considering the fact that I'm older than you".

"By 6 years" Jungkook mumbles. But Hana caught it and mentally chuckles at the fact that he still remembers that time where she lied and said her age was 28. When in reality she was actually 2,800 years old.

"Plus if I'm a child I don't think it's appropriate for you to call me daddy like I'm a grown ass man" He continues.

Hana scoffed "And when have I called you daddy?".

Jungkook smirked "Do I really have to remind you of the previous events where we were having oh so much fun in your bed?".

Hana's cheeks warmed up in embarrassment "Shut up"

Jungkook neared her as she backed up against the door. "No, plus don't think I'm not mad at you" Jungkook starts.

"Mad at me for what though?" She whines.

Jungkook glanced down at her lips that were poked out cutely.

"Taehyung...." Jungkook trails off.

Hana catches onto his drift and smiles slyly "Is someone jealous?~".


"Mhm ok whatever you say" she pushes him away effortlessly with one finger on his chest.

"Aish I might have been a little just a itsy bitsy-".

"ITSY BITSY SPIDER WENT UP THE WATER SPOUT DOWN CAME THE SHOE AND KnOCKeD HIS ASS OUT" Hoseok chants coming down the stairs with the boys in tow.

Namjoon looked between the two "Did we....interrupted something?".

"Nope" Hana says popping the P "Are all of you guys finally leaving now?".

All the boys except Taehyung and Jungkook nodded their heads in agreement.

Jin held the top of Taehyung's head and his chin moving his head up and down forcefully to make it seem like he was nodding "And we're bringing this rascal with us".

Taehyung rolls his eyes. Jungkook watched as all of them exited out of the front door, not forgetting to give Taehyung a glare on the way out .

Yoongi pokes his head into the house along with Jimin.

"You aren't coming with?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook turns to look at them and shakes his head. "Nah I think I'll just stay here..... for a little bit of fun".

Yoongi smirks and Jimin groans "And by fun he means having fun swimming in that pus- mmmmm".

Jimin clasped his hand on Yoongi's mouth dragging him along closing the door and then opening the door one final time "Use protection!".

And with that the boys were gone now leaving Jungkook alone with Hana "We never do" Jungkook mumbles.


Ok I swear the next chapter will have smut 😭

I just had to have a plot to build up to it and now I can successfully make a smut

I don't like it when the two characters just randomly have sex without a plot 💀

It seems kind of rushed and lazy so I got y'all on this aight AIGHT 🗿

Also if any of you want to address me through the comments for funny shit just call me Jaaz or Jay cauuuseee Why tf not 💁🏿‍♀️

Anywho till next time


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