Chapter 10

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After taking away all of the boys memories of what happened at the cafe and replacing them with new ones , she felt relieved .

She replaced their memories of just meeting and getting to know her, then all agreeing to come to her house.

After having further conversations they all left

......... Well that's what she thought

She took a quick shower to clear her mind from the previous evening. She was distracted by the hot water hitting her skin and how good it felt.

Not noticing the extra person in the bathroom. Finishing up she slid the shower curtain over to be startled.

Covering her breast with her arm and cuffing the top of her vagina "Uh Taehyung...... do you need something?"

Taehyung chuckles at the baby pet name "Darling, I'm older than you, come on now get with the program"

Her face noticeably scrunched up in disbelief.


"In the flesh baby"



Jungkook stopped in his tracks and patted his pockets searching for his phone.The others turned around to see him patting his pockets frantically.

"Uh dude what are you doing?-" Jimin asked.

"Damn it I left my phone on the bed" Jungkook curses.

Namjoon looks at all the boys doing a headcount "And looks like we also left Taehyung, the bitch ain't even here".

Jungkook thanked the lord that they had only walked a few meters away from the house and turned on his heels sprinting towards the house.

The others rolling their eyes not even bothering to fast walk.

Making it to the door he reached in the plant pot on the side of the glass doors and felt the cool metal of the secret house key and stuck it into the door.

"What the fuck? So we aren't going to question how he knows where the extra key is?" Yoongi instigates.

Jin shrugs while Hoseok smirks.

"I guess fuck buddies need to know different ways to get into each other's house" Hoseok starts to snicker but Jin frowns.

"Y'all better not be having sex in the in the dorm " Jin scolds But Jungkook just ignores him and opens the door with ease.

"I bet that he be having sex on your bed Jin" Namjoon chuckles "If they had it on mine..... I wouldn't mind".

Jimin hits his arm in disgust "Your nasty as fuck dude".

Namjoon shrugs his shoulders. Walking inside Jungkook made a beeline to Hana's room.

The door was slightly left agape.

Opening it Jungkook was shocked to see his best friend hovering over the girl he had mixed feelings for.

It wasn't just that, that was starting to piss him off it was the way the two were looking at each other.

The looks the two were giving eachother was pure hatred but Jungkook saw otherwise.


The two turned their heads to the side to see Jungkook clenching his fist by his side like Arthur.

"Jungkook get him off of me!!!" Hana screamed out.

Jungkook ran out of the room leaving Hana to think he just left her to be harassed by the bastard on top of her.

"See what you've done you bastard?!" Hana screeches out angrily, wiggling under his strong hold.

'Taehyung' watched with amusement .

The other boys traveled up the stairs to hear strings of curse words. The boys followed the noise to see Taehyung on the ground holding his head while Jungkook held a toilet brush in his hand.

Hana sitting up on her bed looking at Jungkook intently.

"Taehyung I will shove this toilet brush so far up your ass-" Jungkook starts.

"Um no sir not in front of us, do that on your own time" Namjoon says looking disgusted.

Hoseok went over to Taehyung and saw a bright red knot on his forehead "Damn!Jungkook beat the fuck out of your forehead, remember the days when Jungkook did that to his meat AHAHAHAH- Ow!"

Jimin pushed him against the wall harshly to get to Taehyung.

"Jimin is like 4'11 but he acts like he 6'2 in this bitch" Yoongi chuckled as he watched Hoseok hold his shoulder in pain.

Jungkook then turned to make eye contact with Hana and he turned on his heels and walked out of the room dropping the toilet brush , harshly knocking into Jin's shoulder on accident.

Hana rolls her eyes but immediately runs after him easily catching up.

'What a cliche' she thought to herself.

Back in the room they kept asking what had happened, but Taehyung wouldn't say anything as he just stared blankly at the wall.



I'm busy with my senior year 😭 I'll be updating more often my. Pls bare the inconsistency💔.

Votes and comments are appreciated! They keep me motivated💓.

- TaevionsBlackSlut

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