Yuki's eyes widened in horror.

"But i'm sure they're all just rumors. The grown ups are upset because they've heard the attacks are getting more frequent, and coming closer." Sora assured her.

The two sisters continued to eat their meal in silence.












Shouts. Bangs. Crackling of fire. Screaming.

Run....run....for mother......for father....for Sora....

Yukino Aguria collapsed, so tired, it took effort to breath.

"Sora....Sorano.....Where are you? Sister! SISTER! Hello? Sora-chan.... where did everyone go?"

Yukino's eyes fluttered open. She automatically brought a hand up to her eyes, expecting bright light. That's odd.... it's not very bright. Well, there's no light at all....

That was all she thought before drifting back to sleep.

This time, when she opened her eyes, instead of the soft rays of dawn from the farm, she was met with dusty, polluted air and a few strips of light. She got up and looked around. This.... was Sorano's body. She felt dismembered, as if spectating from a distance.

"U-um..... h-hello?" Sora winced as she sat up, her muscles and bones throbbing with pain.

"Oh! She's awake! Richard! Sawyer! Come look come look come look!" A young boy with tanned skin and spiky black hair waved two others over.

Looking around, she saw that they were in a cave, slightly smaller than the house. It was shaped as a circular dome. To her high left there was a barred window that cast striped shadows onto the ground. To the right was a large iron gate, complete with a padlock and a thick, heavy chain. The entire space was made up of dusty stone.

The black haired boy was looking at her curiously, and was soon joined by two others. One was quite plump and had curly orange hair. His face was oddly geometric. The other was short, skinny, and tanned. He had extremely short grayish hair.

"Hi hi hi, I'm Erik!" The spiky haired boy said into Sorano's face. "I'm Richard." The fat boy added, as if his name were a segment of Erik's, not an individual introduction. "I-i'm sawyer." The scrawny boy looked as if he were about to cry.

"Hello, I-i'm Sorano. What is this place?" Sora was surprised by her own weak voice. Richard told her some system in the middle of the ocean and took her by surprise. She had expected Erik to be the one to answer, as he was the most talkative. Instead, Erik was playing with a small purple snake that had little studs of wings on it's back. Erik saw her staring and let her pet the little creature. It was only then that she noticed the other little boy. He was black and white haired, and curled into a fetal position, hands over ears.

"Don't worry, he's okay. He's just scared out of his mind. I guess we all are, but we deal with it in different ways. As for me, I have my snake, so I'm okay.

"How long have you all been here?" Sorano peered at the shivering boy.

"I was taken here about a week ago. Richard and Sawyer came a few days later, together. Macbeth got here yesterday. He couldn't sleep the entire night." As Erik recited their arrivals one by one, a masked guard appeared at the iron gate.

" Ay' quite down in there!" The guard shouted even though the prisoners were a mere few feet from him. He banged his spear against the bars, craeting an intimidating noise that sent Macbeth's shivers into shaking.

The next few months were torture. They were forced to do labor with little food. Metal bands that connected with shockers went around their wrists. Any disobedience, and the shockers would electrocute the prisoners. Then one day, something interesting occurred.

A young girl, slightly younger than herself, ran out of the cells. A few other children followed her, baring weapons in hand. They weaved through the guards and darted to the side of the tower, and jumped off the side, not looking back. Soon, the entire tower erupted into chaos. Guards fell, prisoners broke free. Sorano, Erik, and Sawyer ran out to the edge of the island, losing track of Macbeth and Richard on the way. She looked around desperately, hoping to catch a glance of that amazing young girl.

Soon Erik heaved her and Sawyer into a small raft and set sail into the vast sea.

They were almost out of the ports, when she saw it.

A large, bright red magic circle, brimming with determination, hope, brokenness and despair. And in the center of it, a flash of flaming scarlet hair. Sorano covered her mouth and let the tears fall,tears of admiration and happiness.

"I'll remember you, I promise. There will come a day when I can find you again, Scarlet." She whispered almost inaudibly into the inky night sky, sailing into the dark sea.

" Hng.... Ugh, " Yukino awoke with stars in her eyes.
" Geez, how long was I out?" Yukino gingerly sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
She gathered her supplies, summoned Pisces, and got herself to the nearest town. There, she bought a train ticket back to sabertooth.

A/N: I've decided to not do Kinerik, Kinana and Erik, mainly because I don't have much about them to build a relationship on. The fairytail series doesn't tell a lot about them, or rather, their relationship. Let's just say she and Erik got together and eventually married and had children. As for what happened in the story, I'll just say....... He took her to the place he first heard her thoughts, and then a bunch of sentimental cheesy stuff. Ya.

2 down, 38 to go. Not hard or challenging at all.

My friend recently told me I should have something called a SCHEDULE!

Like, designated times that I MUST publish on. For example, every Thursday and Saturday. Which is not possible for me as I like the longer chapters, even if they take long to update. I will try, key word:TRY! But I make no promises. This was a rather long chapter, and I do feel that it could have been 2 chapters. Like, the word count right now is a bit over 2200 words.

But it doesn't hurt to write long chapters.

Thank you actually so much for reading. I now have 60 views. Like I know that's almost nothing compared to other books but it's more than I could ever expect. Current word count: 2278 words.


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