Windy Day Part 2

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I'm extra and write a lot, so I felt the need to make a part two for this. It's supposed to be windy again tomorrow and Sunday where I live, so yay. Maybe that'll help.



Y/L/N: Your last name

I'm pretty sure I've used this before, but I put it there again in case.

h o n k 

The two of you walked back to your house, talking quietly along the way. The rest of the neighborhood was so quiet, it felt as if talking at a normal volume would cause a disturbance of the seemingly peaceful atmosphere.

Well, it was supposed to get windy later, so the peace and quiet would eventually be disrupted then. 

You made it back to your house just in time. The winds seemed to pick up just as you closed the door and took off your shoes.

You walked into the kitchen, where your mom and dad stood talking about the weather.

"Mom, dad," you said. "This is C/N. He's my friend."

You introduced him to his parents, and it seemed like he made a good first impression on them, especially your dad, who was a bit reluctant about letting any boy you knew other than a relative near you. 

"Do you wanna go upstairs?" you asked him.

"Sure," he said.

The two of you went upstairs to your room and sat down on your bed, staring out the window and watching the trees sway, dangerously close to falling over. 

"That one looks like it's about to fall over," he said, pointing to a tree. 

With the next gust of wind, the tree toppled over onto its side.

"Guess you were right," you said. 

The lights flickered, causing you to jump.

"You okay?" he asked, putting a hand on your shoulder.

"Yeah," you said. "The lights just flickered and scared me for a second."

Another flicker, and then the lights went out. You were expecting them to come back on after a few seconds, but they stayed out. You heard the generator turn on outside, yet your room still remained dark. 

"Guess the power's out," you said. "At least we have a generator though."

"If you have a generator, how come the lights in your room aren't turning back on?" C/N asked.

"It's only hooked up to certain parts of the house, like the kitchen, the family room, the bathroom, stuff like that. My sister's room is hooked up to it, but mine isn't for some reason. Some of the outlets still work in here, so I can plug in a lamp, or we could bring up some flashlights or a lantern."

"That's a good idea," C/N said. 

You turned the flashlights from your phones on and made your way over to the lamp that sat on top of your bookcase and turned it on, filling the room with a bit of light. 

"Is that better now?" you asked him.

"Yeah," he said. "Hey Y/N, can I tell you something?"

"Of course," you said, sitting back down on the bed next to him. "What is it?"

His demeanor changed, and he suddenly seemed more quiet and shy than he would normally be. 

" you," he said, his face turning beet red in about 0.35 seconds.

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