Ptolemus Pov

It's been a week. A week since Isabelle had emerged from her chambers. That, or she is really good at avoiding people. Near impossible to do here.

I need to give her time. That I already know. It is best if I avoid her, give her a moment to take this in. I recall her brother, Christian, telling me this a few nights before Maven's wedding.

I sent her breakfast her first morning here. She had to be near starving, having slept through the rest of the day. She was the first stop I made when we arrived home despite Wren's protests. Still clutching my stump of arm to my chest, still sweating with the pain I made my way to her.

I practically collapsed next to her as Wren waited outside, ready to begin the regrowth of my hand as soon as possible.

She looked so fragile, so sad. Her hair messy, her dress stained. Even in her sleep she was frowning. Nothing like my smiling, golden Isabelle.

Wren still checks on my hand every day, making sure that its functioning properly.

Right now however, I try to focus as Elane takes advantage of our arranged marriage. Directing a seamstress as she fixes the final adjustments on her gown.

Isabelle would look so much better in the gown.

Eve stands close to her, touching her hair, grinning in excitement. She had practically insisted we wed as soon as possible. Too soon. Me, I sit a nurse my third, maybe my fourth glass of scotch. With each cup this gets easier to watch.

My own fitting ended ages ago. Elane, always one for appearances, wanted to be sure we matched perfectly. I look down at my long sleeves of my tailored coat, silver embroidery lining the cuffs hating every stitch.

"Tolly," Eve says looking back at me. "What do you think?"

I roll my eyes, slightly annoyed. Slightly tipsy. "Does it really matter?"

Elane is th one to answer, "Of course it does. You are the prince of the Rift, getting married, we must always obtain our best."

I roll my eyes again , raising my glass to my lips.

"You know that Ptolemus," Eve adds making her way over to me. She takes the glass from my hands, and hands it off to a nearby, silent red. "That's enough for you."

I'm about to reply when there is a quiet knock in the door. I sit back, "Come in."

Isabelle's female maid walks in. She bows deeply. I gave her to Isabelle in order to keep an eye on her. So far, however Isabelle keeps to a constant schedule.

"How is she?" I ask her.

"Sleeping now," the girl answers. Nothing new. Isabelle sleeps more now.

"Is she eating?" I ask. I don't miss the way Eve and Elane scowl, hating their moment being stolen from them.

"Ptolemus is this necessary. The girl is clearly depressed," Eve snaps.

"Yes. She eats well. Even asked for more," the girl says after a heartbeat of hesitation at Eve's interruption.


Elane giggles, "Obviously eating away her sorrows."

I scowl turning to her, fury igniting in me. It lifts me to my feet.  "If you can't keep your mouth shut-!"

"Ptolmeus!" Eve interrupts.

The maid shakes in her spot. I turn back to her. "Anything else?"

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