Chapter Twenty One

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A few weeks later, things were still a little rocky with Rintarou but exponentially better than before. He now understood a little better why I did what I did and was more accepting but he still worried about me. I know he just wanted what was best for me and wanted me to be safe and happy. It was just difficult for him to grasp my concept of happiness as it didn't really correlate with his concept of happiness. Despite our differences in opinion, he was being much more tolerant and had even asked to see more of my recorded fights. He left again for work after making me promise if I got back into the fighting circuit to send him a ticket to all of my matches, wherever he was.

Before he left, Rintarou took Ema and I to see our parents grave together. I still hadn't told him I saw their final moments on repeat in my dreams sometimes when I was stressed. Only Natsume knew. It would only make Ema worry needlessly and I didn't want to upset the delicate balance of my relationship with Rintarou that was finally on the mend by giving him another thing to worry about.

Natsume and I managed to find a garden style apartment only a block away from the gym. We had a ground floor unit with a small little patio and garden area, two bedrooms, a large master bathroom and a small water closet just off the spacious living room. It was much bigger than his tiny studio apartment and came equipped with a full kitchen. We turned the spare bedroom into a home gym/office. The fuzzybutts loved the extra space and were still exploring our new home trying to find new secret hideouts and hiding spots.

My injuries were finally all healed and I'd gotten permission from Masaomi to stop wrapping my burn as it had healed over and was now just a scarred mess. I still kept it wrapped whenever I left the house as I didn't want to freak anyone out. It somewhat looked like I'd stuck my hand in a vat of acid and burned off all my skin leaving the red fleshy bits beneath revealed. It was pretty grotesque. The gym was keeping me fairly busy, I'd picked up extra shifts and started teaching a weekend self-defense class in addition to my Tuesday Thursday class for people who couldn't make it during the weekdays.

"Nee-san, can you show me that sequence again?" Fuuto asked, returning from his ice bath, as I finished wiping down the mats from our training session. He'd done so well for his role that he'd gotten offered a contract for another hero role.

I looked up at him with a smile. Though he usually had a deplorable and spoiled personality he was a diligent and hard worker when it came to his career. He wanted to do his very best and I admired that. "Sure, do you want real time or slow motion?"

"Real Time."

I nodded and put the mats away before going to the center of the empty room. Ukyo had tagged along again. He said it was because he wanted to give Fuuto a ride to and from and it was easier to stay and watch but I had a feeling he just really liked action movies and the like and wanted to watch for fun.

Fuuto got out his cell phone to record the sequence as he always did when I demonstrated any new moves for him so he could watch them and pick them apart when he wasn't training with me. I executed a spinning kick, landed in crouch that flawlessly turned into a forward roll. Once upright, I completed a flurry of blows and finished with a spinning kick flip.

"Thanks, nee-san." Fuuto's attitude toward me had changed, while he was still rude to most everyone else, he treated me with respect. It was nice, but I wished he'd give Ema the same courtesy.

"You're welcome." I smiled. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I frowned slightly it wasn't one of my assigned ringtones. I looked down at the number on the screen. I didn't recognize it. Answering the call, I pressed the phone to me ear, "This is Evie."

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