Chapter Two

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"You're up early, Evie-nee." Ema, my younger sister, yawned as she shuffled into our small kitchen in her pajamas rubbing the sleep from her burnt caramel eyes. Her light brownish auburn hair was still a tousled mess.

"Sorry, did I wake you, Ema-chan?" I smiled sheepishly.

"No, it's a school day. I was going to get up early and make us some bentos." She yawned again.

"What did I do to deserve such a sweet little sister?" I ruffled her hair trying to tame it with a few quick shakes and laughed as she nearly lost her balance.

"Why are you up so early?" She blinked a few times and noticed I was already in my workout gear. "Do you work today?"

"I'm teaching a class later tonight, but I just wanted to go for a run." I looked to the clock on the wall it was almost six.

Ema noticed me checking the time but decided not to pester me about it, she really was a good sister, too bad she got stuck with a delinquent as an older sister. It hindered her ability to make friends in middle school when I was a high schooler and constantly getting into trouble. "Have a nice run, Evie-nee."

"Message me a shopping list later and I'll pick everything up after my class." I waved to her as I ran out the door feeling somewhat giddy at seeing Natsume again.

It was chillier this morning than yesterday and the sky was misting a little making it feel even colder. Perhaps not the best day to wear shorts, but I was happy I'd worn my fingerless athletic gloves and that I'd thought to wear my waterproof phone holder arm band. In no time at all I reached the park and quickly skimmed the area, it was practically empty, a lot of people didn't run if there was even the slightest drizzle. My gaze caught a glimpse of orange and I felt a brief moment of excitement only to frown as I realized it was just some teenager with dyed hair.

After another quick look around and no sign of Natsume I began to feel a sense of rejection. Maybe I did scare him off yesterday. Most guys hated girls like me. It was so hard to make friends. The only friends I made were people I'd stood up for, but the boys I stood up for tended to find me too threatening or intimidating to see me as anything more than a friend.

Sighing dejectedly, I moved under the cover of the few trees sprinkled near the entrance to stretch. Maybe he overslept, he said he didn't run as much as he used to, perhaps he didn't have a routine yet. I tried to stay positive, because the alternative was that I'd freaked him out, like I freaked everyone else out and I was doomed to be friendless forever.

"Evie?" I jumped at the sound of his voice and turned to see him dressed in a sleek black suit.

"Interesting running wear, but less embarrassing than showing up naked I guess." I teased him.

"Sorry, I have a sudden early meeting this morning, I didn't want you to think I was blowing you off." He apologized sincerely. He looked like a different person, more dignified and mature.

"Thanks for showing up." I smiled as my heart fluttered in my chest, he didn't get freaked out! "Sorry you won't be eating my dust this morning, maybe some other time."

"Pretty sure I won yesterday." He chuckled, "Not sure where this delusion is coming from." His violet eyes widened as if he were surprised that he'd just joked with me.

"Give me your phone." I extended my hand to him and couldn't help but laugh at the sudden look of shock on his face, perhaps I was being too bold.

Conflicted (Brothers Conflict)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora