Chapter Ten

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I got to have my stitches removed, the day before the wedding. There wasn't any permanent damage to my spine, so I'd still be able to fight, luckily. I'd been avoiding all of my new siblings, keeping myself locked in my room. Ema was starting to worry, I tried to put on a brave face and a bright smile, but she saw through it. I missed meals so I wouldn't have to see any of them and told Ema to tell everyone I wasn't feeling well when they asked about me. It was cowardly but I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't belong.

Ema, Yusuke and Wataru went to the hospital with me to get my stitches removed. It wasn't too far to walk, so we made a day of it. After my stitches were out we stopped by the park so Wataru could play on the playground. Yusuke and Ema were sitting on a nearby bench talking about some gory video game while I spotted Wataru on the monkey bars to make sure he didn't fall and hurt himself.

"Onee-san?" Wataru noticed me scanning the park. I was always on high alert. This was a prime spot for crimes, I often found people in this area when I was running, though it was a different time of day, I couldn't shake the habit of being hyperaware of my surroundings.

"What is it, Wataru-chan?" I asked him curiously.

"Are you looking for someone?" He pondered.

"Ah no, I just like to know what's going on around me."

Wataru thought about it for a moment, "How come?"

"Well, if I'm paying attention to my surroundings, nobody can try and take off with you because I'll see them coming." I said with a smile.

"Because Onee-san will protect me?" His eyes lit up.

"Of course, I will." I ruffled his strawberry tinged light brown hair.

We finished playing just as the sun began to set and headed back home. Wataru was tuckered out from our game of tag on the playground, Yusuke offered to carry him since I'd just had my stitches removed.

"Can we stop for candy?" Wataru pointed to a convenience store on the way.

"Candy sounds good." Ema laughed.

"I guess that means we're stopping for candy." I sighed as I let them lead the way.

The shop owner, a kind old man in his late fifties greeted us with a smile. There weren't a lot of other patrons. A mother with her child was checking out at the counter when we walked in, and there was one other guy who appeared to be in his early twenties wearing a big bulky jacket. He was tense and scanning the store frequently, looking around as if he were waiting for something. I didn't like the look of him or his behavior and kept him in my periphery.

Wataru wriggled off of Yusuke's back and clung to my hand pulling me to look at a candy display near the storefront window. Ema and Yusuke were looking at a gaming magazine on display near the restrooms.

Once the mother and her child left the store, I tensed as the guy started to move toward the counter. A rock smashed into the window behind me causing it to shatter. My body moved on autopilot, tucking Wataru against me shielding him from the shower of glass. Ema screamed in alarm as two guys jumped through the window. I picked up Wataru and sprinted to Ema and Yusuke as a sense of calm focus washed over me.

Wataru was in shock not realizing what was happening, Yusuke had instinctively tried to shield Ema with his body even though they weren't in the blast radius of the shattering window. I was grateful for his instincts even if they were a bit off.

"Bathroom." I ordered them as I reached them and shoved the three of them into the restroom. "Lock the door. Call cops."

"Evie-nee!" Ema screamed looking behind me, but my body was already moving, not missing a beat I spun catching the masked man's wrist in my hand directing his knife away from me.

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