Chapter 11 - Hello father

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His pocket got hotter while the air got noticeably cooler, Jace was nearing a lake, it was beautiful, the lake mirrored the exact color of the sky. As he walked around some more Jace realized that he wasn't in some foreign place. He was in Alicante. He was standing next to the lake of which Raziel rose from carrying the mortal instruments.

coming to the conclusion that Idris was near by and Jace could walk there, and portal home, he began running in the opposite direction of the lake, but as Jace turned around, he saw a man, a familiar man, one he's known all his life but just can't put a name to the face, well, back of the head.

"Oh my god." he whispers, "it's Valentine."
trying to make as little noise as possible jace walks backwards slowly, while securely gripping the handle of his seraph blade.


'oh fuck, what was that?' Jace looks down at his foot, he stepped on a branch. so much for trying to stay quiet. Valentine immediately whips around, he scans the area to make sure there is no one watching and soon his gaze fixes on Jace, who, inconveniently is staring behind him, unaware of valentine sneaking away from his spot next to lake Lyn.
Jace turns his head forward expecting to see Valentine still standing in the same spot he was before, but is shocked when he isn't, soon a grunt appears from behind him.

"I'm sorry son," He says while clutching his blade in his right hand.

"Do it Valentine, I have nothing left in this world. But I have one last thing to say before you kill me."

"Well, what is it."

"I'm not your son," Jace pulls his blade out from his side, positions it above his head and slams it down, hard. Jace was fully expecting to have the blood of his "father," splatter onto his gear, and is surprised once again when he isn't there. he feels a tap on his shoulder.

"I taught you better than to miss," taunted Valentine. As he too brings his seraph blade above his head, Jace closes his eyes bracing himself for the impact as he chooses not to defend himself, but nothing happens. Jace feels no sting of pain when the blade cuts your skin, he only sees a flash of red quickly appear from behind his eyelids, and as fast as it was there, it's gone.

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"I miss them Alec," Izzy blurted in between spoonfuls of cereal.

"I miss Clary too Iz," replied Alec.

"Not just Clary, Jace too." She set her spoon down and turned towards her brother, he had sadness in his eyes, Isabelle closed her eyes for a second, trying to blink away tears, when she opens them, Alec is on the ground. "By the angel, Alec are you ok? I closed my eyes for a second and here you are on the floor!" He was clutching his side, more specifically, the rune on his side.

"G-get Magnus."

"Already sent him a fire message he should be here any sec..."

"ALEC, my precious Alec what happened to you." Magnus came through the doors yelling out is lungs, he ran into the kitchen where Alec was currently dying on the floor.

He let go of his hip and sat up, a blank stare on his face.

"That... that was weird," was all he said.

"You're telling me!" Isabelle yelled. "What the hell happened?"

"I don't really know, it was my parabatai rune, but Jace is fine, it's not the pain you go through when your parabatai is hurt, he isn't dead and he isn't physically hurt, but he's seen something. He had a brush with death and he wants more, I can tell."

The trio sat on the floor going through possible scenarios where Jace could have almost died, and thought of places he could be.

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unknown pov

I was following Valentine, he took me and locked me up but I escaped. With ease, I might add. I was standing behind a large leafy bush, when I saw valentine emerge from the trees on the opposite side of me and stand beside the lake. He turned when a branch snapped. I prayed he didn't see me. Who knew what he would do if he saw me there, but what I saw was worse than being caught. I saw a golden angel staring behind him as valentine creeped towards the angel. I wanted to scream, I wanted to keep the angel safe. I don't know why. I just did. The two men were fighting when the angel was caught off guard and was about to be killed. My conscious was urging me to do something, it was screaming at me to keep him safe... so I did. I lunged for valentine and threw him to the side, I turned my head for a split second to see him still standing with his eyes closed, ready for the impact of the sword. Almost as if he wanted to die.

I turned back towards valentine, his mouth wide open. He wasn't expecting me, truth be told.. neither was I.

3rd person pov

Jace finally opened his eyes, only to discover his pocket basically set on fire. At least it felt like it. It made perfect sense, the hair was tracking Valentine and he was standing in front of him, but it only started burning a hole through his pants a moment ago. Maybe it wasn't tracking Valentine after all, maybe.. no Jace quickly dismisses the thought out of his head as it is completely impossible, she's dead.

But when Jace opened his eyes, he saw none other than Clarissa Morgenstern  hunched over her fathers body. She turned her head to face him, there's blood all over her. Jace didn't move, he was too shocked. Clary gave him a small smile and a nod and ran.

Oh my god thank you so much for all the reads lovelies. I'm really sorry this chapter took soooo long I've had major writers block and I'm currently working on some other stories I'm excited to share with you. I thought it was time for some lightwood/ bane action, even though it's a short portion of the chapter i realized izzy Alec and Magnus haven't been in the story very often.
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Thanks again lovelies
-L ❤️

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