Chapter 10- hot and cold

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Jace woke up in a completely foreign place, it was as if someone saw him laying down in the forest and moved him to a safer place. No he thought, who sees a man with black gear, black blood and sword around his waist and moves him to a safe place, they should be moving themselves to a safe place.

Jace stood up and he had no idea where he was, there were tall blades of dried and yellow grass for miles. There was something soft tickling his ankle, it wasn't grass as grass isn't that soft, Jace bent down to pick it up and there was a single strand of something vibrant red in his hand. He immediately knew what it was, he'd only seen that shade of red once. It was Clarys hair. How had Clarys hair ended up in the same place as Jace?
He quickly dropped the strand of auburn hair into his pocket, maybe, he could use it to track her killer.  Jace started walking slowly, taking in his surroundings and trying to find out where he was, when he found another strand of hair lying beneath his boot, he picked it up and put it in his pocket along with the other one. As he continued in the trail, he came across more and more of Clarys hair, carefully adding each on to his collection in his pocket.
It was as if he was in a Hansel and Gretel fairy tale and the hair was breadcrumbs.

As he continued on the path his pocket became noticeably warmer, the farther he walked the hotter it became, almost as if it was a game of hot and cold, the closer he became to what he was trying to find, the hotter the hair became.
Which in his mind, could only mean one thing. He was getting closer to Valentine.

This chapter is super short, as I said before it's more of a filler chapter, the action will be happening in the next chapter. Please vote on my story as it gives me more motivation to write more and longer chapters. Thanks for reading lovelies and sorry again for such a short chapter :(

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