Chapter 2 - And Then She Was Gone

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The demons all ran away after Clary was killed, as if for some reason their main goal was to kill her. Once that was done, they just walked away like nothing happened.

Back at the institute Alec was talking to Izzy
"That was weird how that just walked away, what was the point of that attack?"

"Yeah it was really weird, I haven't seen anything like it, by the way do you know where Jace and Clary are? I haven't seen them since the attack." Isabelle sounded very concerned.

"I haven't either, let's go look for them out in the woods." Alec said as he turned around and started to walk out the door, but he stopped when he felt a familiar hand on his shoulder.

"Where are you going Alexander?" Said the man attached to the hand.

"Izzy and I are going out to find Jace and Clary you're welcome to join Magnus."

"Well I'd love to, I haven't heard from either of them for awhile."

"Can you use some witchy thing to locate them?" Alec asked with a smile but Magnus was not amused. Being the high warlock of Brooklyn you'd think he'd be able to do that, but with the slight shake of his head he told the bother and sister no.

"CLARY! JACE!" Isabelle yelled at the top of her lungs.

"I think I hear something," Alec confessed. "Come over here." Alec was correct, he did hear something, it was the sound of Jace crying. He'd never heard such a sound, no one had. Jace wasn't one to show feelings, no one but Clary knew what he was really like.

"Oh jace." Isabelle cried putting a hand on his shoulder, she couldn't see what he was crying about until she turned to face him. Clary was in his arms unmoving.

"Poor biscuit." Magnus said as he kneeled down beside Clary. Magnus and Clary had been very good friends, he had many nicknames for her, but biscuit was her favourite.

"Jace, what happened." Alec looked as if he was going to cry with him.

"I-It was t-the demons." Jace could barely talk through his tears. "I heard h-her scream, by the t-time I got here I-I saw a d-demon running away and she w-was lying here, not moving a-a muscle.

"Oh Clary," Isabelle couldn't help but let the tears fall from her eyes, her best friend, she was like a sister, is now gone, she's gone from this earth.

Magnus moved his arms in a peculiar way, when he was done blue sparks and lights shot from his fingers and onto Clary. Slowly, she lifted from the ground. "Lets take her to the institute for a proper burial." He suggested.

Jace nodded his head, and walked gracefully beside Magnus, never taking his eyes off his lover, or his hand which was tightly secured to hers.

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