Chapter 8

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(You guys didn't miss a chapter I just labeled two chapters the 6th chapter so the last one was really suppose to be number 7 so this one is suppose to be 8 sorry if it confuses anyone)

(Hazels POV )

It was a horrible day all days were horrible sense Nico had died. it was so depressing, he was the one person that cared for me and brought me back. Then the Argo II the Argo II showed up . I was sitting in the shade with frank and then the Argo II came down in a fast decent I look at frank who was curled up as a cat gazing up at the ship. he turned back into a human and got up with me and we walked over towards the ship.

We came to find Reyna talking to Percy Annabeth Piper Leo and Jason. Piper noticed us first and motioned for us to come over and we ran over. They led us up onto the ship but the mood wasn't gloomy, almost as if they were happy. maybe they didn't care that Nico had only died days ago. we all gathered in the dinning room the walls set to project images from camp half-blood. I stay down and stared at wall that showed the directions of the cabins. I focused in on the one that was the most gloomy, hades cabin. Percy cleared hie throat and began to talk gibberish again. "okhazelsoweknowyouaresadaboutnicoweallwerebutyoudonthavetobesadanymorebecausehe.." "Percy slow down. We. Don't. Understand. What. You. Are. Saying."i shouted. percy smiled sheepishly and started again "oh ok um Nico's not dead and hades let him come back but he has to be my 'protector' and I'm I think he has to say like what" he glanced next to him

Then nodded "ya like in the same room or 6-7 feet. And so ya." "Percy why..............."

(Nico POV )

I don't know EXACTIALLY what happened but I do remember hazel flipping out after she saw me, also then she convinced us to tell Reyna and she took it fine

Now percy and I were in his room. Percy and Annabeth had fought earlier and percy wouldn't tell me what it was about. instead he just slumped down next to me by the door and we sat in silence I had tryed to start a conversation but I realized percy had fallen asleep. He began to slump over and i put my had out to catch him. he stirred slightly and then fell over on mE and wrapped his arms around me. "URK! percy! Percy get off of me!" I wispered. what? I didn't want to make a protest because I didn't want him to wake up.(ya sure nico you just keep convincing yourself that that's the case haha) percy just hugged me more and began to murmur. I furrowed my eyebrows and tried to make out what he was saying but then he just nuzzled his face into my arm and started snoring. 'great' I thought ' this is just perfect and it's just the cherry on top that he happens to snore NOW.. HE WASNT SNORING LAST NIGHT!!' percy stirred again and this time he sat up straight and stretched. he giggled " sorry about that nico " e reached over and ran his fingers through my hair and giggled again "nico! your hair it so soft!" He pulled me into another hug and this time started to braid my hair in to little braids that stuck up in the air all directions . I began to tuck in my wings and percy leaned back so I wouldn't slap him across the face with my wing. once I was done he began to braid the braids then braid the braided braids-- wow wait what? I don't get that. Well basically it ended up in a big braided bunch that was a pain to get out.-- I leaned over onto percy more because it was really late and I was really tired. he shifted, trying to make himself a more comfortable pillow but his hand slipped and he fall over and I slumped against the wall and hit my head and I was not very tired anymore. percy sat back up and, despite the fact that I wasn't very tired any more, I snuggled up to percy and I felt him shudder than sniff his nose. I sat up and looked at him."whats wrong?" I said noticing a tear tracing down his cheek. he sniffed again and gulped before going on to say "well Annabeth and I were talking and like she thought you trying to get me to fall for you and I swear I didn't tell her anything about you liking me and I just kind of got mad and started yelling and I may or may not have let 'my Nico' and 'so what I I love him' and she kind of was silent for a second then was just like 'if that's how it is then I guess we are over'." he slumped down Against the wall and I wet on to say "but I mean I know she loves you and I know you love her and now that she has had some time to calm down maybe she regrets what she said and you to could make up?" he slowly nodded his head then shook off the idea " see nico that would probably work but I don't love her. I love you !"

Sorry guys I thought it had saved and I had the whole chapter done and then I hit publish and it like glitches or something and half of the story got deleted and I got really frustrated. I hope to have chapter 9 done soon I have the first part planed out I just have to put it into words and write it down..... I read BOO and omg I it was amazing .... I PROMISE I WILL NOT POST SPOILERS!!! school.... ugh!

-my fingers were so cold from waiting outside for the bus that my phone wouldn't sense that I was typing

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