Chapter 5: who to tell

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(Percy's P.O.V.)

"Nico when's the last time you ate?"

Apparently it had been awhile because he furrowed his eyebrows and ryes to remember. to put him out of his misery I butted in and said "come on Nico lunch is on me. Well not literally I mean I will buy lunch not, you know what I'm just going to stop talking now." he just smiled and followed as random people began to look at me as if I was crazy. I turned to Nico and now it was my turn to look puzzled. "why are they looking at me like I'm insane?" He thought for a minute before he shook his head and pursed his lips, "I forgot to tell you that only you can see me. Oh and I can choose to let others see me to. If I want them to." he sighed and nodded like everything in the world suddenly made sense.


We were sitting in my cabin at opposite end of the cabin and I had my tv playing Disney's 'Hercules'. Nico was watching when I spoke up and asked "do you have any idea of who you would let see you other than me?" he waited so long to answer that I thought he hadn't heard me until he sighed "I have been thinking and I have almost decided to let the rest of the seven see me. I don't know who else I guess if we were on some important mission and I was needed, which probably won't happen, and we were working with someone other than the seven and I absolutely needed to be seen I could allow them to see me to. and anyone you want to see me." I looked up at him and saw his wings slowly circle around him almost as if he was trying to slowly hide himself without me noticing. I got up and knelt in front of him and pulled one of his wings away from his face. "don't say that you won't be needed. I mean you were brought back for a reason right?" he seemed to brighten up at what I had said. I got up and sat on my bed and just at that second there was a nock at the door. I looked at Nico who shrugged and motioned for me to answer it. I got up and went to the door. on the other side was Leo. he smiled mischievously and asked "who were you talkin to perce?" He peeked over my shoulder into my cabin and frowned when he saw nothing. "why don't you come in and see for yourself." I challenged him. he walked in slowly and watched for any traps or tricks "what kind of trick is this percy?" I just smiled and sat on my bed as he shut the door behind him. he walked to the middle of the room and held out his hands as if to say 'so what the room is empty?' Nico moved to behind him and then willed to be seen by Leo. "boo" Nico leaned forward and whispered letting his wings flare out at his sides as Leo whipped his head around and jumped back onto the second bunk bed in my cabin screaming like a little girl who had had her Barbie stolen. Leo glared at me then stared as me and Nico began to laugh at the way Leo had screamed so high pitched. "Nice manly sound that was Leo!" Nico was sitting on the ground with his wings partially folded as he laughed. Leo and I were surprised, he may seem dark but his laugh could brighten up a room very fast. He slowly stopped laughing as Jason burst through the door yelling "what happened I heard a a scream and came to check on Annabeth!" Leo blushed as he said "that was me I was just I was scared after...." he trailed off and looked at me and Nico. Jason saw him look at me but when Leo looked to the foot of my dresser, where Nico was siting , Jason asked "what are you looking at Leo?" Nico again willed himself to allow Jason to see him and as soon as Jason came to his senses he had a bright commercial smile that spread across his face, I swear I saw a sparkle flash on his tooth. Nico nodded back and then stood up and folded his wings up as much as he could, apparently the wings were a bit too big for him. He looked at me and stated "two down four to go"


I watched 'The Night Shift' episode for last Tuesday last night. I died because I love that show so much!! Plus i watched 'How To Train Your Dragon' while I wrote this. I drew a few pictures for inspiration, and wrote this AMAZING ending to this chapter *note the sarcasm dripping from my words* plus I have a question.

Is frank allergic to chocolate? Because he can turn into animals, for example a dog, and dogs are considered allergic to chocolate because they become very sick after just eating small amounts. So theoretically, because being a dog is part of him, he should be allergic to chocolate. Right? I need answers so PLEASE answer I am begging *gets down on knees and starts sobbing because I am in desperate need of answers* I mean THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION BECAUSE IF HE IS THEN I CANT LET HIM EAT A S'MORE!! IT WOULD BE SUICIDAL!!!*hides behind a confused Nico* I sorry I got outraged I just really want to know sorry *puts on pouty face * I'm sorry (this is the part I would refer to you as something so I'm just going to call you my bae's) bae's I just really don't want frank to have anymore weak spots he is already soft enough with his life depending on a stick. LUV YOU AND THANKS FOR ALL THE VIEWS


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