Chapter 4: the blessing

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(Nico's P.O.V.)

When I opened my eyes again I was in Hades throne room. he looked down at me in disgust "look what you did you were so foolish and caught up with that boy that you actually managed to kill your self, great." he said kill myself. I looked down at myself and saw myself only I was slightly transparent and I was mostly shades if light gray to white. then a HUGE question popped into my head "if I'm here, in the underworld and dead, why have I skipped being tried to see where I will end up in the underworld?" He sighed as if it was obvious why I was in his throne room instead of being tried "because, i have lately decided to give you a second chance -at the same life you currently were living." I thought this over it was clearly to good to be true "what's the catch?"I questioned. he simply smiled "you are a smart boy, and yes there is a catch, you have to serve as a protector." I thought about this "as in...." He sighed again "as in I will gift you with wings and you will be the protector of a chosen demigod and then only they will get to see you unless you allow others to have sight of you." I took this in for a couple seconds before going on to ask "and this demigod would be....?" he sighed again and rolled his eyes while saying " the demigod would be Perseus Jackson so choose now if you say yes, you get to go now. if you say no ,well you would go on like any other soul in this place and get the trial you had been asking about earlier." I thought about this. yes= see percy and get to be with him a lot, but you did tell him about your feelings so he may hate you and it would be horrible. i had been thinking for longer than I thought when hades shouted at me to hurry up. so without thinking I said "yes". he frowned and mumbled something about broccoli, I think I don't know, I was to distracted by the tearing feeling that was burning between my shoulder blades. the pain soon became unbearable and as soon as I thought I was going to blackout from the pain it all just stopped. "stand up boy!" I commanded and stood up. i looked over my shoulder and saw two giant feathery masses. I extended them and watched them grow out to the sides. "it's a 13 foot do me a favor and see if they work." he looked and sounded extremely bored. I flawed them in then straight back then I slowly flapped them until my feet were off the ground."hmmmm good they work." He flicked his finger an I felt the shadows engulf me and then I was flying above percy, in the middle of the lake, at camp.

(Percy P.O.V.)

I opened my eyes after hearing a soft ruffling sound above me. there, flying above me was Nico, the same Nico I was told was dead two days ago. "hey Nico umm sorry to ask but aren't you supposed to be dead, and ummmmm what is with the whole wing thing?" He looked down at me in shock. why was he.......oh. he must be surprised that I'm discussed by him liking me. "Nico I don't care that you have a crush on me. it's fine, I mean it's not my fault that people are just attracted to me, if anything I would be Poseidon and my mom's fault!" he shook his head and began to tell me everything about the whole 'protector' deal he made with his father, while I slowly allowed the current to pull me in toward the shore. He stumbled and I asked "Nico when's the last time you ate?"


Soooooo I'm like really sad and you guys are lucky I wrote this cause my boyfriend broke up with my, because he said he didn't like to way I eat chicken. but I got over him after a package of thin mints that @pestette gave to me for my birthday. I any pizza now.

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