Chapter 9: Baking with Passion

Start from the beginning

She turned around and continued balling up cookies, this time unconsciously rolling a cookie ball larger than the rest. She noticed this and let out an angry scream, before punching her fist into the perfectly round cookie. Aiden heard her and chuckled lowly from his spot on the couch.

 Aiden heard her and chuckled lowly from his spot on the couch

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The cookies finished baking. Axel and Emily were now munching on the warm cookies in comfortable silence. She ate the last bit of her cookie and couldn't help feeling all the flour on her. She asked if she could use the shower and he agreed. He showed her upstairs, still eating his cookie. Emily frowned when she didn't see Aiden anywhere in the house.

He took her inside of his bedroom and opened a door on the left side of his room.

She walked inside the bathroom. She was surprised to see the same bathroom as Aiden's, just a different angle. She turned around, but Axel had already closed the door behind him.

She looked back, then walked around the room. It's a joined bathroom, she realized. Axel and Aiden share a bathroom. The two sinks made sense to her now.

She stripped and walked into the shower. She turned it on, this time remembering to not push the button on the wall. She proceeded to wash herself, rubbing off the flour.

She started humming a familiar song, tuning out all sounds in the background.

Suddenly, she heard the shower door open.

She jumped and turned around.

"Nice voice."

Standing in front of her, completely naked, was Aiden. She gasped and covered herself.

"No need to be shy, babe. It's nothing I haven't seen before."

Her mouth opened wide.

"How dare  you! What are you doing in here?"

"This is my shower."

She tried forming a good argument.

"Yeah... well, I guess. But... this is Axel's shower too and I'm his girlfriend so... I have just as much right to be here as you."

"Good, then you understand. We both have a right to be here, so what's the point in showering separately?"

Emily thought he made a convincing point, to her dismay.

"Well... I'm a girl and you're a boy."

"Good observation," he commented sarcastically.

She huffed in frustration.

"What I mean is, we shouldn't be showering together."

He stepped closer to her. Every step he took, she took a step back, until her back hit the wall. He got extremely close to her face and her arms dropped to her sides unconsciously. He looked into her eyes hungrily, as if daring her to speak.

"Can you guess how many girls I've been with in this shower? How many girls I've banged on this wall?"

He abruptly placed his hand beside her head on the wall. She glanced at it, then drew her gaze back to him. She gulped at the proximity of his lips to hers and shook her head.

"Ten. If you think boys and girls can't be in the same shower, think again. I've proved you wrong many times, and I can prove you wrong again."

Emily felt that tight warmth in her stomach again. This time the feeling was way more intense. 

She placed her hands on his chest and carefully pushed him away. He looked down at her hands with lustful eyes. Before he could lean in, she turned around and grabbed the shampoo.

She was about to pour some shampoo on her hand, when Aiden took the bottle from her. She turned back to him.



He poured a large amount of shampoo onto his hand, placed the bottle on the ground, and rubbed the shampoo in his hands. He settled his hands on Emily's hair and started lathering the shampoo into her hair.

"I can do it myself."

"Shh. Relax."

She would've protested, but his voice was so soothing and calm. She found herself closing her eyes. She relished in the feeling of his large hands rubbing her scalp. She'd never felt something so relaxing and wonderful.

Her mouth parted open and she couldn't stop the moan that escaped her lips. 

It took everything in Aiden not to kiss her. He found everything about her beautiful. Her smile, her secretly sassy attitude, her soft curves. She was definitely the most gorgeous and sexy woman he'd ever met. The way she acted when he frustrated her was a huge turn on for him.

He smiled as he gently massaged her thick, brown hair.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw him staring at her lovingly. He gazed into her eyes for a second, before looking away and removing his hands from her hair.

"I-I'll wash my hair now," he stuttered.

"Oh, okay."

She blocked out the sensation she felt when he stopped touching her. She wanted him to touch her more.

He took the shampoo bubbles still on his hands and rubbed it into his hair. He decided to make some small talk while she watched him wash his hair.

"Nice cookies."

"What?" she asked, shocked.

"The cookies you made downstairs. They were good."

"Oh, thanks."

She thought he was talking about something else.

"Do you have soap?"

"Soap?" he repeated as a question.

When she asked, the image of her lathering her body with a bar of soap entered his mind. He wished his hands could be that soap bar.

"Yes, soap."

"Oh, right. It's in that bottle."

He pointed to a bottle of men's soap.

"I could help you, if you want."

This time, she actually thought about it, but she resisted her inner cravings.

"No thank you."

"You can change your mind anytime."

"It's still a no."

She grabbed the soap and started washing her body, imagining that it was his hands on her instead of her own. No, she thought. These are my hands, stop thinking about him. But it was so hard not to think of him when he was standing right in front of her.

This was bad, Aiden thought. He was getting hard thinking about her. The visual of her lathering herself was playing in a constant loop in his head, now with her moan from before added to it. He needed to get out of the shower before she looked down.

"I-I gotta go now."

"Now?" she questioned in her silky voice.

"Yes, I'm done. Bye."

He turned around and left, mentally cringing at his awkwardness. She was starting to smell like him when she lathered herself in his soap. He couldn't think straight.

Emily stared at the open shower door, dazed, before turning around and continuing her shower.

Innocent Emily KimWhere stories live. Discover now