Chapter Two- That's Quality Heart Attack Material

Start from the beginning

And by one of them, I meant mom. She was crazy enough.

Of course if it did go that far, I will have my parents on the first trip to the loony bin.

"Carol, normal parents don't watch their children sleep! And as for your other question, I don't think Ally would like us dropping her off at school." Dad said, I could practically hear him digging his grave. My mom didn't like being told what to do.

"Derek, I will wring your fucking neck! She's not ready for school! We have to pull her out before she finds out what college is. Before she tries to leave us for good!" Mom rambled hysterically.

"Okay, that's it. I've married a mad woman. DO YOUR HEAR YOURSELF! You sound like a crazy-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence!" Mom warned him.

I drifted off to sleep somewhere after that. My parents didn't argue much, and when they did it sounded pretty funny. They always had a tendency to fight like teenagers. Which I guess was pretty cute. They almost looked young enough to be one.

I know most kids don't like to admit it- I'm not like most kids- but my parents were actually really good looking.

Dad, who is pushing forty,  is quite tall and with a thick mane of blonde hair and blue eyes. Mom, is beyond beautiful with her curly blonde hair and sparkling grey eyes. She was fairly tall for her age, but fit my dad's profile quite well.

They looked like movie stars. And since we lived in Clear Bay, catching a tan is normal. Their skin was perfectly sun kissed, and not all leathery like some older folks got.

From time to time, whenever we went out as a family, I would hear people whisper. They would say dad was so handsome; it looked like he leapt out the pages of esquire. And mom looked like a runway model, but with better hair. I admired their beauty when I was younger. But mind you, when puberty hit-all I wanted to do was get away from them.

How would you like to look at two beautiful people while you're body is changing? It completely sucked for me, being compared to mom and dad. Here I was growing pimples and awkwardly developing and my Hollywood parents were as gorgeous as could be.

But that phase was over, and even though I'm not gorgeous like them-at least I'm decent looking.

At least that's what I tell the beast that greets me every morning in the mirror.


"Allyson Craine! Get your butt down here, you're going to be late!" Dad called from downstairs.

I gave myself one more glance in the mirror. I didn't look like I really wanted to get dressed. I wore a plain grey washout t-shirt with a black hoodie and a pair of jeans. I paired it with my worn out black vans and pulled my chestnut hair in a ponytail.

I didn't even bother putting on a little make up. I didn't care if this was senior year; there was no one at school I wanted to impress. Screw all of them; in a couple months we were all going our separate ways.

"You look like one sexy twelve year old boy." I stated flatly in the mirror. "You are a gorgeous boy Allyson. Make all the twelve year old girls say 'Ooh Allyson, you look so fine. Me love you long time!'" I joked dryly to myself.

"Allyson Grace Craine" Dad's voice boomed now. There was no doubt in my mind he was annoyed that I took so long.

"I'm coming dad, keep your pants on." I rolled my eyes, heading downstairs.

I ran downstairs and brushed past my dad. I know it probably sounded rude to do, and it was, but I had woken up in the worst mood. I noticed mom was nowhere to be found, which meant she left for work already.

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