Chapter 1

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(Y/N) Pov

    Me and my sister Pixy are flying through the air under the open clear sky, I'm on top of her so no one will see two Nightfurys and try to catch us and sell us. That's right Pixy is a Nightfury and her left tail is white and I bet you're wondering why I said 'we' well it's because I can change into a Nightfury as well and my tail is also white but it's on the right side.

I have a feeling that you're confused on why do we have the same white tails but on different sides? Well it's because we were both born on the same day so that's why we're called sisters from other dragons. Let me tell you a little bit about our past, I was born from a human family and they loved me and I love them and they kept me a secret for 3 years until I went outside one day and played with the other kids and I thought that I could trust them with my secret but they didn't so the village tried kill me but my parents holds them back so I could escape but the village killed my parents while I turned into a Nightfury and flew away.

When it was getting late I went into the cave tired and hungry and shifted back to myself, at first I thought that I was alone in the cave but I was wrong, in the cave with me is another Nightfury but a baby and that's when I first meet Pixy. We talked a bit and when we found out that we have the same birthdays we started to call each other sisters and grew up like it too.

When we both got big enough to fly and for me to ride her, we started to go to different islands and explore around the world and write down every dragon and island in my journal and it's in an language that is in dragon so no one can read it. That's our past and now me and my sister are looking for a new island and a place to rest at for the night. Soon we landed on a island before it got dark and went to go catch some fish and started to eat it. when morning came we took off flying once again and I'm on Pixy's back, "Hey sis look!" I said while potting at wild Scauldrons going to the hunting grounds. "We should follow them and have some fun flying around for a bit!" Pixy said excitedly. I nodded in agreement and jumped off of Pixy's back and as I was about to hit the water I then turned into a dragon and started to fly around with my sister and even saying hello to the Scauldrons as we fly by.

We soon started to see a ship up ahead and it was too late to shift back to normal so we both quickly and tired to fly around the ship but as we did the people on that ship started to follow us and we kept flying until we see an island up ahead then something went passed us and noticed that the people on that ship are firing at us with arrows. We kept trying to dodge them, then the people on ship shot a net at as and trapping the both of us together and we fell onto the island that we managed to get to and crashed into a lot of trees and on the way down I hit a rock and hearing a loud 'crack!' and I felt pain in my wing and I some how turned back to myself and blacked out from after one more roll down the hill.

Hello! Phoenix here! This is my first ever story of How To Train Your Dragon and this story is taking place at The Edge so I hope you guys like it and have a wonderful day!

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