His expressionless stare showed he was unimpressed or that of aggravation. She couldn't know what the conversation was about even if she had arrived minutes earlier. To explain herself further she looked towards Emrie again, "But that wasn't my intention, I didn't know you'd have company."

"Yes, only standing by while the conversation was finished."

Emrie placed her hands on her hips unpleased by his tone. The woman's eyes switched left to right as if watching a basketball game. The ball of the conversation was carried on from one side to the other to no end.

"No. It's impolite to interrupt."
Mina was simply stating her faults. She frowned at his need to bicker over nothing.

"So is listening in," he finished for her. "Words that do not concern such a—",

"It's not as if l know much of what was going on anyway, I don't know french, remember?"  
She wanted to call him something nasty but checked herself before doing anything rash in front of this stranger.

He threw a small huff of air and glared at Emrie as she stayed silent all the while. Mina looked at the woman as the tone of a bird whistle entered the room. It was coming from her pocket that was noticeable.

“It doesn't matter petit frère, que ce soit.”

Thinking nothing of it Emrie extinguished the route of the conversation. Not two seconds later she heard more noise come from the woman's phone this time it was classical music. Emrie sighed in what she thought was annoyance and took it out just in time to answer.

"Well Mr. François, I just wanted to see you off," she clasped her hands in front of her as she stood head to head with him, though he was about two inches above her height.

"Really?" His tone guarded

"Yes, as hard as it is to believe, I'm glad you're finally leaving," a smirk played on her lips.

He narrowed his eyes, keenly catching it. "Thanks, I guess it is hard to believe."

Emrie glances between them then her phone. Held in one hand she lifted an index finger towards them. "I'll be back in a minute."

They watched her leave the room while none too happily greeting someone over the phone. Mina stared at Mr. François for a moment, her head tilted in false wonder. He was oblivious to her.

"You're not going to say goodbye Mr. Grumpy? I know you'll miss me."

He only scoffed not giving a thought, "The only thing I'll remotely miss from this damned place is the view. Outside."

In hopes to lift one single eyebrow trying to make her look quizzical, she lifted both in failure. "And the food provided by yours truly," she pointedly gestured to her standing figure.

"Of course I could not forget the pounds of sugar I ingested while you recited your life story on more days than one."

"You're welcome," his half smile made her beam at his unspoken gratitude she knew was there.

He sighed softly, "Enfin libre."
(translation: finally free)

Then picked up his bag and the purse she assumed was Emrie's, "Au revoir Mina." (translation: goodbye)

She definitely understood those words, they were as equivalent in french as said in spanish, of course, the accent was thick, but not indefinable. Freedom, there he went.

"Let's go, I need to pick up a few things along the way."

Just like that the moment was gone, Emrie returned, she waved as they walked past the reception desk and through the automatic doors.

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