I feel safe here

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It had been over a month since Damien was released from Hospital, His parents tried to talk to him but it fell on deaf ears. It was the end of Term and everyone was going home. "Bye Guys! see you in the new term!" yelled Vicky waving goodbye in her parents car. Brian waved back. "Hey so when are you guys leaving?" ask Valerie waiting for Vera. "Oh we're off in an hour." replied Brian, Valerie turned to look at Damien who was sat on a chair stroking his middle. "Hey, you doing okay there mama?" asked Valerie as Vera appeared and dropped a heavy bag with a huff. Damien was lost deep in thought when he realize he was being spoken too. "Oh! yeah, i'm okay." Vera made a noise of not being convinced. "What's up?" Vera asked Bending over Damien. Damien felt a little pinned in with all the faces staring at him. "Nothing! can't i just brood to myself?" said Damien with a hiss. "Okay! just wondered." said Valerie, then their ride finally turned up! The girls loaded their stuff up in the car, hugged Brian and Damien goodbye, Damien apologized to them for his tone and they brushed it off, "Bye sweet little monster!" cooed Valerie to Damien's swollen belly, Vera pushed her sister out the way and did the same but giving the baby a little kiss before running to the car. "Bye!!! do something that i would do!" laughed Vera hanging out the window. The boys smiled and waved back. "Shall we go babe?" asked Brian, Damien nodded and looked back at the school, "Too think one day you'll be coming here when your older!" said Damien to his belly. Brian Grabbed Damien and they both drove away from the school.    

The drive was long. Brian had driven all night. But at last! they arrived at the cabin. "Damien? babe, wake up were here." whispered Brian shaking his pregnant partner but Damien was sound. Brian smiled and unbuckled Damien's seat belt and lifted him out of the car and carried him bridal style to the cabin, He walked in and took Damien straight into the bedroom, laying him down to let him sleep and get the bags from the car. 

Damien finally woke up and felt okay for once, It was getting dark outside but the summer sun still lit the sky a pink and orange colour, Damien got out of the strange bed and realized that he was finally at the cabin. It was amazing! 'i definitely shouldn't set fire to this place' he thought to himself. "Brian?" called Damien but got no reply. Damien got up and walked down the hall to check the living room, the bathroom and the kitchen, no Brian. Damien placed a hand on his belly and said "Lets go and find where papa went." Damien opened the front door and saw the crystal clear lake in front of him surrounded by Trees, A light breeze swiped passed Damien and climbed up the trees, it wasn't cold at all, it was pretty warm then he looked to his Left and Saw Brian, Damien walked over to Brian and saw what he was doing, "Really? i didn't know you were an artist." said Damien, Catching Brian off guard. "Oh hey! i didn't see you there! how are you feeling? you okay?" Asked Brian placing a kiss on Damien's head then bending down to kiss the baby, then returning to his Easel. "Yeah, i'm fine but again i didn't know you were an artist." said Damien walking over to take a look, "Oh yeah, not many people know, not even Oz, Vicky, Amira or anyone in that fact, plus you never asked me." said Brian, "Okay fair enough." said Damien looking at the Canvas, He took in a deep breath making Brian nerves "Hey you okay?" he asked, Damien looked at Brian and Nodded, "Yeah i'm fine i just didn't think that you could do something like this! i mean not in a nasty way but wow! Brian!" said Damien, Brian smiled softly telling Damien to sit on his chair, Damien did, he sat in silence to let the artist continue with his work as Damien listened to a bird cry, No traffic, No screams, no loud noises, just clean fresh air and quiet. Then the quiet broke, "AH!" cried Damien, Brian turned around quick to see Damien in the chair with his face is scrunched up, eyes closed while holding his Stomach, Brian dropped down to his knees, Holding Damien's thighs, "Breath babe, In and out, like the midwife told us okay." Said Brian in a panic, Damien let out a breath and smiled. He grabbed Brian's hands and placed them on his Stomach, Brian's eyes lit up when he felt it, The little nudges and pokes coming from under his skin, the toss and turns of the baby waking up. "My baby!" cried Brian placing kisses all over Damien's belly. Damien kissed the Back of Brian's head. "You okay?" asked Brian looking up at him, Damien nodded. "Can we go inside babe? i have a craving." asked Damien. Brian nodded. He helped Damien up and collected his art supplies and walked Damien back to the Cabin. "What are you craving for?" asked Brian, Damien smiled and replied "Chocolate and pickles please" Brian pulled a disgusting look and said "Ugh, Okay." Damien laughed as they walked inside. 



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i KNOW IT'S NOT THE SAME AS THE PHOTO! but it's all i could find *i didn't look very hard* LOL

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i KNOW IT'S NOT THE SAME AS THE PHOTO! but it's all i could find *i didn't look very hard* LOL

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