I'm Not Coming Home

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It was almost the end of Term! Which meant that everybody had to go home for the Summer. Damien was nerves about telling his parents that he was pregnant. He didn't know how they would react. "You can't hide the baby forever Damien. They will find out sooner or later." said Brian. Damien was sat at the desk looking at the laptop, wondering if he should log in to chat and tell his parents. "I know." said Damien. There was a soft knock at the door, Brain was close to it so he opened the door, "Hey Guys! sorry to bother you! i was wondering if one of you could help me out with moving something." Asked Vicky. "Yeah sure I'll be there in just a second." answered Brian, Vicky smiled and walked away, Brian walked over to Damien Kissed the top of his head, placing a hand on his stomach while his other hand clicked the Log in Button. "Just Breath, okay! i'll be back." said Brian softly turning and walking out the door. Damien looked at the Laptop and saw that Brian had logged him in, Damien Gulped, He pushed the mouse to the log out Button when a window popped open with a ring tone. It was His parents! Damien took in a deep breath then clicked the accept button. 

"Hello Son! we haven't heard from you in a while! Are you coming home for the Summer? How's Brian? Asked his father. Tony was standing up behind Damien's father Leo. "Hi, dad. Erm yeah sorry been busy, Brian is fine he's helping a friend out at the moment. Before you say anything else there's something i need to tell you." Said Damien in one breath, Leo raised an eyebrow and said "Okay, we're all ears! you seem Nerves." Damien chuckled under his breath while laying his hands under his grown bump. "I'm just gonna say it okay, Erm, I'm pregnant with Brian's child." Said Damien with his eyes closed. He waited for a reply but was rewarded with silence. He opened his eyes to look at the screen and saw his father biting his bottom lip. "Okay, How far are you?" Asks Leo. "I'm 3 months now." replied Damien. Again Leo fell silent. "So, what are you going to do Son?" said Leo finally. Damien felt sick. Did his father really ask him that?! "What do you mean 'what am i going to do?!' I'm having my baby!" growled Damien. " What your dad means is, that your still young Damien! you have your whole life to have kids! your only 21!" said Tony, only half his face was seen as he was so big, Leo was still sat he had tuned to his side with his hand on his chin deep in thought. "Are you telling me to get an abortion." Grunted Damien though his teeth, Before Leo or Tony could answer Damien lost it. "THIS IS MY CHILD YOUR TALKING ABOUT! THIS CHILD HAS A FUCKING HEART BEAT! THIS CHILD HAS A RIGHT TO EXIST! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU TELL ME TO GET AN ABORTION! I THOUGHT YOU TWO WOULD BE HAPPY FOR ME! FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE I AM ACTUALLY HAPPY! IF IT WASN'T FOR BRIAN LOVING ME AND GIVING ME THE MOST PRECIOUS GIFT I WOULD HAVE BEEN DEAD A LONG TIME AGO! BUT THE REAL QUESTION IS WOULD YOU TWO HAVE NOTICED? OR JUST CARRIED ON BEING A PAIR OF MORONS!?" Screamed Damien, he was so pissed he felt ill. "I'm not coming home. I'm staying here. Good Bye!" said Damien logging off the chat and slamming down the laptop screen. He stood in silence for a moment, he didn't hear someone knocking on the door. Then he felt light headed and sick. On the other side of the door Vera was knocking and heard a loud thump. "Damien? It's Vera. I'm coming in." she said Opening the door, she looked in and saw no one at first then she looked to the floor and saw Damien's feet showing from behind the bed. "Oh My God! Damien!" she cried rushing over to Damien, she crouched down and tried to wake him up, "Liam! get in here!" she cried, Liam came and saw what had happened he came over quick "Get Brian! Get a teacher! get someone!" she yelled again, Liam nodded and ran out the dorms. Leaving Vera and Damien alone. 

Damien woke up, he was in pain, his head felt heavy. There was a loud beeping noise that was really starting to piss him off. He looked around and saw that the room was pretty much in the dark but only the single lamp above his head was on. "Brian?" asked Damien sounding groggy. Brian woke up from a sleep in the chair and jumped up when he saw Damien finally awake. "Hey! your okay! Vera found you on the floor! Liam came and got me, We had to call for an ambulance, you've been knocked out for most of the afternoon and evening." said Brian. Damien blinked hearing that noise again, he tried to sit up but something was stopping him, he looked down at his middle and saw something white with two straps around his grown middle, He followed the wires and saw the machine that was making all the noise. He started to panic a little, Brian held on to him telling him he was okay. "What is this?!" said Damien breathing heavily. "Its a Heart Monitor, Its just making sure you and the baby are okay. You need to relax alright! i wouldn't have let them put that on you unless i knew for sure it was for yours and the baby's best interest." Said Brian sitting on the bed wrapping his arm around Damien's neck. Damien leaded back on to Brian's chest as he breathed to calm himself. "What happened?" asked Brian. Damien's eyes started to water, He told Brian what happened when he told his Parents about the baby and what they had said. "Then i must have past out or something." said Damien. Brian was pissed but he didn't let it show. "Its Okay babe! Just relax okay you'll be out of here tomorrow with much luck and we will go Home." said Brian Kissing Damien's forehead. "I'm not going Home Brian, not to them two." huffed Damien, Brian let out a sniggle and Said "I didn't say we were separating did i? i meant that i have a cabin near a lake that my Aunt says we can use for the Summer." Damien looked at Brian and smiled, they kissed each other, then Damien settled on Brian's chest and said "This summer is going to be metal!" Eventually they both fell asleep, Both listening to the faint recording of their Baby's heart beat and the annoying sounds of beeping. 


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