I'm definitely going to Hell

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Damien and Polly were talking In the hall ways, Polly started to walk towards the class room door but something made her stop, She turned around and asked "Aren't you coming Damien?" Damien opened his locker and said "Na, its only History of Magic. We get it your an antique! so No Polly i think i will skip this one!" Slamming his locker closed giving Polly a cocky smirk as if to say i am way to awesome for that shit! Polly shrugged her shoulders and said "fines! byes!" and walked into class closing the door behind her. Damien decided to go outside, no point loitering, beside's Principal Spider might catch him at it again, don't want another letter going to his Dad's in Hell. Once outside it was dark and grey, 'ugh! your gonna rain aren't you' and with that the Heavens opened fast and hard. Damien stood there with his eyelids half way closed. Damien decided to just stand there no point him catching a cold or anything, so he ran towards the Bathrooms. Once inside Damien took off his wet coat, threw his bag down and put his coat on the top. "You know the rain will seep though to the stuff inside your bag, right?" asked a voice that suddenly mad Damien jump a little, turning around so fast he almost gave himself whiplash! "Oh, its you Green...What the hell happened to you?" ask Damien trying to act like as if nothing scared him. Brian raised an eyebrow then took in a deep breath to reply, "Scott Howl gets very excited when he's on the field, and he got a bit carried away." Brian was sat on the floor trying to sew his arm back on, but it wasn't working well, he kept dropping his severed arm, Damien just stood there and watched for a few minutes then it just got on his nerves, "For Fuck sake Green! give me the fucking needle! This is just to painful to watch now!" Said Damien walking over to Brian sitting down next to him and taking the needle and tread from Brian, Brian didn't say a word he just watched Damien's face trying not to get freaked out by touching the unattached arm, but he finally got over it and placed Brian's arm to Brian's body and started to sew it back on. Brian closed his eyes and rested his head against the wall. 'stupid green idiot! he probably trapped his Goddamn arm in the door again. When he's asleep...he's kinda cute. WHAT THE FUCK?!' Damien's eyes opened wide to his own thought, "You Okay Damien?" asked Brian suddenly, Damien looked at Brian to see he had one eye open, 'How long has his eye been open?!' thought Damien, he shook his head and said "I'm Fine Green!" Damien carried on sewing. "You know you can call me Brian. How would you feel if i called you LeVey." asked Brian, even just hearing his own last name annoyed him. "Fine. Brian. I think i'm done." said Damien standing up and looking pretty proud of himself. "Erm, Damien." said Brian raising his arm up. Damien looked down and the proud feeling he had quickly disappeared. "Fuck." said Damien seeing that he had sewed Brian's arm backward. "It's okay i can go see the Nurse." said Brian, "No! i can fucking do it!" yelled Damien quickly sitting down again undoing his previous work and starting again making sure Brian's arm is the right way this time. A few minutes later he was done again. "See! i could do it!" said Damien. Brian was moving his arm this way and that way, making sure it felt okay, Damien couldn't help but stare when he saw Brian flex his arm revealing his muscled arm. Damien gulped hard. Brian all of a sudden got up off the floor. "So why are you here and not in Class?" asked Brian stretching, his t-shirt raised up a little to reveal his tone stomach, Damien started to breath hard but then noticed that if he continued to breath that hard then Brian would noticed! so he held his breath. Brian pulled his t-shirt down. "So? why are you here then?" asked Brian again placing his hands on his hips. Damien breathed out and coughed a little, "You okay there, Little Red?" smiled Brian. "L-Little Red?!" yelled Damien. "Yeah, Like as in little red riding Hood, plus your red." grinned Brian, Damien shot him a dirty look and said "I didn't want to do History of Magic. So why are you here?" Brian looked behind him for a second then looked back at Damien, "One i have a free period and two i'm kinda hiding from Aaravi she's been looking at me funny." Damien laughed a little and replied "She looks at everybody funny!" Brian laughed a little scratching the back of his head "Yeah, true." Brian replied. They both fell silent for a moment staring at each other, when the bell rang and broke the eye contact off. "Well anyways! I guess i'll see you tomorrow. I hope to see you in Class at least!" said Brian putting his jacket on then stopping half way to see that Damien's jacket was still soaked from the rain. "Yeah i'll be there and you'll be asleep as usual no doubt." said Damien getting off the floor. Damien looked up from rushing his pants off to find Brian holding out his Jacket in front of him, "Here. Your coat is soaked though! you'll become sick if you wear it. Plus the rain has stopped. So give this back to me tomorrow Okay." said Brian, he clearly wasn't going to take no for an answer so Damien took it off Brian. "Oh and please don't set fire to my coat, okay." said Brian putting one hand in his pants pocket and his other hand holding his back strap. Damien didn't answer him, he just nodded. "Okay, see you Tomorrow Little Red!" said Brian smiling and walking out the bathrooms. Damien stood there in silence for a moment then collapsing back on to the floor still holding Brian's jacket close to him, he could smell Brian coming off it like aftershave. Damien took in a deep breath before saying quietly to himself, "Fuck. I'm Definitely Going to Hell."


What you think? i play this game A LOT! i will add all the Characters in this story don't you worry! 

Vote and Comment! Please!! it's like Coffee to me it helps me keep going! 


( i do not own the picture up top! credit to the owner i don't know who i found it on Pin and it had no link to the owner! sorry) 


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