I was Weak

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It had been over a month since Aaravi's warning. And Brian was starting to get more and more annoyed at his Boyfriend's silence. Everyday Brian would ask him 'is there something you want to tell me?' and every time Damien would say 'no'. Brian knew he was lying. Damien was in the cafeteria playing with his food when someone sat down next to him, "Hey, you seem quiet...HEllo?? DAMIEN!!" Yelled Vera. Damien jumped a little out of his daydream, "Oh Hey Vera. Whats up?" asked Damien, Vera raised an eyebrow and said "Okay what's going on with you? Brian is getting more and more upset because he knows your hiding something from him." Damien looked around and said "can we go to the dorms please." Vera Nodded and they both walked away towards the dorms. 

"Okay spill" said Vera throw her bag on her bed, as Damien shut the door, "Okay! don't judge me, just listen." said Damien. Vera sat on her bed, holding onto a snake on her head, Damien took a deep breath and said "AARAVI IS BLACK MAILING ME! SHE SAID SHE'LL TEL BRIAN THAT ME, HER AND LIAM HAD A THREE WAY YEARS AGO UNLESS I LEAVE BRIAN HEARTBROKEN BY LEAVING HIM, I DON'T KNOW WHY SHE'S DOING THIS TO ME!" Damien took in some deep breaths and waited for Vera to answer. Vera was in shock!! her face fell. "Why did you and Liam fuck her in the first place is my first question." she replied. "To be honest i don't really remember. there was a party, and someone brought booze. and then i woke up next to her and Liam." said Damien rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. "Okay....erm don't you think you should tell Brian anyway, i mean that way she can't twist the truth about what happened." said Vera. Damien thought about it for a moment then nodded. "Thanks Vera, and please don't tell anyone!" said Damien. Vera lit up a cigarette and said "I won't." Damien opened the door and stood in horror! "BRIAN! IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK! I PROMISE!" cried Damien. Brian just stood there in silence, then walked away without saying a word. "Brian Please! let me explain!" said Damien chasing after his boyfriend. Brian stopped dead and turned around to look at Damien. "Me and Vera are just friends! i swear! you know she's like a sister to me!" said Damien. "I'm not angry about that. I'm angry that you couldn't tell me about Aaravi! i knew something was messing with you! i don't care about your past Damien! i care about being your future! and i want to be apart of your future! unless you don't want me in it anymore then please tell me now" Said Brian in the toneless voice. Damien looked at Brian, "You-You heard that?" he said, Brian nodded. Damien started to cry covering his face, he sobbed softly to himself, Brian never saw Damien cry before, "Oh my fuck, Brian! i'm so sorry! please forgive me! i was afraid of losing the best thing that has ever happened to me! Brian!" sobbed Damien, Brian wrapped his arms around Damien's waist and lifted him up, holding him close, as Damien wrapped his arms tight around Brian's neck, Brian hushed him saying 'It's okay, i forgive you, no more secrets okay'. Damien nodded. "awwww, now i can't see in to the future but i know that this relationship will last forever" said Vera. Both boys looked at her and saw her leaning up against her door while still smoking, they looked at each other and smiled. Then Brian put Damien down and Brian dropped to his knees, "Damien, i know we haven't been together very long but i wanted to give you this." said Brian reaching into his coat pocket and pulling out something small. "Oh My God!" squeaked Vera, Damien's heart sank! Brian held up a ring! It had a small skull on it, "Damien will you make me the promise to someday becoming my husband?" asked Brian. Damien felt the tears form up in his eyes again and he yelled "YES!" Brian sighed with relief and put the ring on Damien's finger. "The skull in the middle was made from a piece of my bone, Don't worry it's from my spine." said Brian, Damien jumped into his arms and kissed him deeply, he broke off the kiss and said "That's so fucking Metal!" Brian grinned. "Congratulation Guys! Now look at me, both of you." said Vera, they turned around to face her as she had her phone out, "Okay Damien show me that sweet bling! and SMILE!" she replied as she took the photo of the very happy couple! Sending the photo to all their friends! 



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Damien's bad ass ring! Noice! 

How will Aaravi feel about this new engagement? 

Will she do something about it? 

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