Welcome to the Family!

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Brian was nerves. He had seen Damien's parents before but only though Damien's video calls. But never in person! "Brian relax okay, my dad's are not that bad, in fact they could act a bit more like me." said Damien, Brian turned around from looking at the mirror and said "What like a pain in the ass who sets classrooms on fire because someone coughed a little too loud?" Damien pulled a face a Brian then jumped up from his chair "Can we go now?" he asked. Brian turned around and said "How do i look?" Damien eyed Brian up and down, he was wearing Jeans, a shirt and a jacket on top. "Nice but they would look better on the floor and me on you instead." winked Damien. Brian laughed. Damien opened the portal to Hell and they both stepped though, the heat hit Brian straight away, "Welcome to Hell babe!" said Damien. They walked for a few minutes and reached a heavy looking door, Damien pushed it open and they hustled inside. The house looked like an up scaled home, clean, everything in its place. Brian felt out of place here. They walked into a large open hall and there they were, talking to each other. "Yo!" yelled Damien, both men stopped talking and looked at Damien and Brian. "Hello! welcome home Damien! and this must be Brian! you are much more handsome in person!"The huge man walked over and hugged Brian so tightly he lifted him off the floor. "Hey put the poor boy down! it's my turn." said Damien's other father, and hugged Brian as he was put down. "Right i think it's time for dinner!" roared the other father. Once at the dinner table there was more food than 4 people could possibly consume! "Now i case you have forgotten Brian, my name is Leo and my husband is called Tony." Said Leo he was a lot shorter than Tony and was obviously Damien's biological father by looks alone, Brian Nodded and replied "I remember thank you." Leo Smiled and nodded. the meal was going well. "So Brian where do you hail from?" asked Leo, "Well from the living at first i was in the USA, and then i was murdered and now i live with deceased family members." said Brian the room fell so quiet it was deafening. Damien smiled and leaned into towards Brian and whispered "I didn't know you were murdered. In a way that's kinda hot." Damien sat back up again. "Oh i am so sorry to hear that Brian! you seem like such a nice young man! if you don't mind me asking who murdered you?" asked Leo. Brian shrugged and said "I don't know." Tony coughed loud. "Well! lets move on shall we! Damien! i understand there is something you wanted to tell us?" Damien stared for a moment and then said "Yeah! erm! Brian gave me a promise ring made from his spine bone! it's so fucking metal!" Tony bashed at the table top with joy yelling 'hooray!' as Leo leaned in over the table to look at his son's ring. " A promise ring? isn't that the promise to one day marry you? is that correct?" asked Leo, Damien nodded. "We must celebrate!!" Yelled Tony. Leo agreed, "Maybe we could set a date sometime, but for now lets just enjoy each other's company." said Leo. After the meal was done with all four had a wonderful time, And decided to call it a night. 

Once back at the Dorms Damien opened his door and walked in with Brian, "wow! that was a night! my Dad's are really happy." said Damien laying on the bed. Brian took of his jacket and said "Yeah it was good." Damien didn't believe his boyfriend. "Hey, please don't take to heart about what my dad asked you. I'm sorry if you felt out of place. I really didn't know you were murdered. i'm sorry." said Damien holding Brian's hand. Brian stood there and smiled. "Its okay. it was a simple question and i told him the truth. What happened, Happened nothing we can do about it and besides if i didn't die i would never have met you. and there's something else you don't know about me." Said Brian, the confession of knowing that Brian had another secret made Damien's throat dry, "What is it?" asked Damien, Brian sat down on the bed and said "My surname isn't Green. It's Yu. But i prefer Green." Damien Laughed and hit Brian in the arm, "You fucker! God you had me on the line then! really though? your surname is Yu? weird name dude but yeah i prefer Green too." Brian smiled and laid on top of Damien and kissed him deeply. Damien wrapped his arms around Brian's neck as Brian stopped kissing him, Brian giggled to himself "Damien Yu. Ha! Damien Green." said Brian, Damien thought about the surname change and said "HMMMM!! we'll see", and continued to kiss Brian. Brian reached a hand over Damien's head and turned off the light, leaving them both in the dark. 


Awwwwww Nice! 

Are Damien's dad's really happy for them? 

Who murdered Brian?!      

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