twelve » after-party

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song: say you won't let go » james arthur

"This scene feels familiar, don't ya think?" commented Taylor as she walked closer to Karlie who was sat on the roof with a beer-filled plastic cup in hand.

There was a party going on downstairs for the freshly-graduated students. But Karlie would rather drink beer on top of the roof, looking at the 2am moon.

"Does it?" chuckled Karlie, taking a sip of her beverage.

Taylor smiled to herself and made her way closer to Karlie, sitting down at the edge of the roof.

"Why'd you come up here?" asked Taylor.

"I needed some time to get away from the chaos downstairs. The thought of me, of us, going to college and starting a new chapter of our lives, still hasn't fully sinked in my brain yet." answered Karlie. "It's pretty fucking scary."

"I feel exactly the same." said Taylor.

"You do?" Karlie faced her, eyebrows raised.

"Yeah," sighed Taylor, "Do you know what makes everything a little better?"


"The fact that I'll start this new chapter of my life with you."

Karlie smiled as she felt herself grow flustered at Taylor's words.

"You always know what to say, don't you?" said Karlie before leaning in for a kiss.



this is shorter than my patience.

the next chapter is gonna be a summary of the rest of their lives of some sort so it's gonna be rlly rlly rllyyy long.


you belong with me || karlie kloss x taylor swiftWhere stories live. Discover now