five » dad jokes

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song: begin again » taylor swift

"Thanks for the ride, Tay." thanked Karlie before taking off her seatbelt. "You sure you don't wanna go to my house?"


"Yeah, you're going in with me." said Karlie before unlocking the car door and stepping out.

Taylor sighed. She knew arguing with Karlie would be pointless.

It had been a day after Taylor snuck in a daisy and chocolate in Karlie's locker. It had never came up, though. Taylor was lowkey thankful that Karlie doesn't acknowledge it, for some reason.

Taylor offered Karlie a ride since Karlie's engine had an issue. Taylor was furious at Josh, earlier. She made sure to not make it obvious, though.

Karlie was telling Josh that her car's engine had a problem, obviously, she was hinting that maybe Josh could drive her home. Josh casually said, 'That sucks. At least you can walk home, you're gaining a little bit of weight.'

Taylor was angered when she overheard the conversation. She already knew how much of an asshole Josh was but this triggered her anger on a different level. She stepped into the conversation, offering Karlie a ride home.

Karlie agreed and thanked her, and the moment she turned to face Josh, he was already gone with his friends.

Taylor made her way out of her mom's car and followed Karlie to the front porch.

Karlie grabbed Taylor's hand as she opened the front door with the other.

"The twins have ballet lessons until 6, Mom's running errands, Dad doesn't get home until 7, so we're alone." informed Karlie before making her way to the kitchen, Taylor following her after shutting the front door.

"That's nice. I don't really wanna deal with people." said Taylor in honesty. She's grown so much comfortable with Karlie for the past few days, it feels good.

Karlie giggled.

"Why do you laugh at anything I say?" asked Taylor with a smile and her brows knit together.

Karlie got a bottle of OJ from their refrigerator, "You're funny."

"Pssh, that was nothing. What did the grape do when he got stepped on?"

"What?" Karlie poured OJ into two separate glasses.

"He let out a little wine." said Taylor, fighting the urge to laugh at her own joke.

Karlie laughed, throwing her head back like laughing like a little kid.

Taylor joined in on the laughter.

"What do you call a fat psychic?" asked Karlie, not fully recovered from laughter.

"What?" asked Taylor.

"A four-chin teller."

Taylor laughed out loud, Karlie following.

"That's strange." commented Karlie.

"What's strange?"

"You think I'm funny."

"Yeah, so?"

"Josh never did."

The laughter died in the room.

"I'm sorry if I start to whine abou-" Karlie starts to apologize.

"Why do you stay?" asked Taylor, cutting the green-eyed girl off.

Karlie was surprised at her question, hell, even Taylor was.

"He's...How do I say this? He's a safe option. If you know what I mean." said Karlie.

"I really don't."

Karlie sighed, "He's the school's Golden Boy. He's captain of the football team, my family loves him, he has a bright future ahead of him, he's the safest option around."

Karlie had a hard time explaining, but Taylor understood.

"Are you happy with him?"

"To be honest, no. I used to be, but after the honeymoon phase, he became acting like a jerk. He began treating me as some kind of trophy to show off to everyone and not his girlfriend." said Karlie in pure honesty.

"You deserve better, Karlie."

"I know." said Karlie with a smile, a tear rolling down her cheek.

Taylor went around the counter and came near Karlie, immediately wrapping her arms around the taller girl.

Karlie wrapped her arms around Taylor's neck, she could not control her tears any longer so she let the tears stain Taylor's shirt and neck.

Taylor ran her fingers up and down Karlie's slender back in a comforting manner.

A few moments pass and Karlie pulled away from Taylor's embrace, a few tears still escaping her eyes.

"I'm sorry." apologized Karlie with a sad smile, wiping her eyes with the back of her hands.

"Don't be." said Taylor with a small smile.

"Can you, like, stay the night?" offered Karlie.

Taylor wanted to decline her offer, but she knew Karlie needed her. Karlie needed someone to talk to.



"So, Karlie. How are you and Josh?" asked Karlie's father at the dinner table.

Karlie looked at Taylor—who was sitting beside her, for a brief moment.

Karlie turned her attention back to her father.

"I'm thinking about breaking up with him."

Mrs. Kloss choked on her drink and Taylor dropped her fork mid-air as Kimby and Kariann yell questions at Karlie's face.

"What? Why? He's a nice guy." said Mr. Kloss in confusion.

"He was a nice guy, I don't know what happened."

"Karlie, dear, maybe it's just a small problem. Just communicate, relationships are not always easy but you gotta try to-" Mrs. Kloss started.

"He doesn't make me happy anymore, he makes me feel like shit, to be honest." admitted Karlie while Taylor just slowly ate her food.

"Well, if he makes me you feel bad, dump him." said Kimby, earning a smile from her sister.

"Do you love him?" asked Mr. Kloss.

"Nope." answered Karlie in honesty.

"Let him go before he does any more damage. I don't want anyone who wouldn't treat my baby girl right around her." encouraged Mr. Kloss with a small smile.

"Thank you, Dad." thanked Karlie sincerely.

"Yes, your father has a point. But you do know where this young boy came from, and where he can go? I think you should talk abou-"

"No, Tracy. According to Karlie, he doesn't make her happy anymore. You only like the boy because of his money, and I understand where you're coming from as a parent. But I'd rather have someone who doesn't have a lot but treats our daughter like a queen than someone who's wealthy but doesn't have the ability to make our daughter happy." said Mr. Kloss sternly.

Silence fell over the dinner table.

"You're right, I'm sorry, Karlie." apologized Mrs. Kloss sincerely. "I'm sorry as well, Taylor. That you had to witness that."

"It's all good, Mrs. Kloss." said Taylor with a small smile.

"Oh, hush. Call me Tracy, and call that creature over there Kurt." said Mrs. Kloss.

"Okay, Tracy."

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