Chapter 30 - The Sinners

Start from the beginning

I kept going through her things until I found a link to another Instagram that was age-restricted. Yet again, I found another person who was involved in the BDSM community. There wasn't anything remarkable about the account, nothing horribly obscene. There were some photos of her in bondage, in fetish wear, and the after-effects of play. Then the background behind her caught my interest, I couldn't be sure, but it looked suspiciously familiar. The stone-covered walls finally clicked in my brain, Darien had mentioned that the place where the JTR Movement's meetings were held, also doubled as a dungeon.       

I jotted that fact down in my notes as well and then began to look for information on the first victim. By the time I discovered Laura Samson, I was rubbing on my tired eyes, but I kept on looking into her case. She was a year younger than Stacy and her hair was a short coppery blonde. Laura had been going to law school, went to church every Sunday, and was recently married to a man named Ashton. These two women seemed like polar opposites, but then I found something interesting on her Facebook. One of her last posts was a picture of her with a girl with strawberry blonde hair and something about the way they held onto each other made me pause.

I glanced down at the comment section, finding that there were more than seventy comments on the photograph, which seemed odd. I read through them until I reached the name Ashton Samson and the comment he left was less than friendly. 

'I hope you're happy with her.' He wrote.

'Can we not do this on here, please?' She responded.

It was much clearer what this woman's sin was, lust and envy. I read through the replies as they slowly escalated and I gathered that the girl in the picture with Laura had been her secret lover, Naomi. She had been married too, to Ashton's brother. Apparently, Laura wanted something more out of her sex life and went looking elsewhere. When I looked into Naomi's accounts, I found that she too had been in the BDSM community and she talked Laura into it, after lots of begging according to her. I felt a twist in my gut as I looked through their pictures together, there was clearly a deep devotion between the two women. 

In the recent posts after Laura's murder, Naomi expressed her loss for all to see and read. My eyes began to mist over as I read, so I quickly clicked back to continue searching for answers, so I wouldn't get lost in my emotions. I scanned through the rest of Naomi's pictures and only stopped when I saw her and Laura standing outside of the door that led down to that dank dungeon with the caption, 'Oh, what wonders await us tonight?'

Is that what connected these women? That cursed dungeon? I chewed on my bottom lip as I tried to come up with anything to add to this puzzle. Then I recalled the woman I had seen in the alleyway the night Chris had come over for movie night, had she been a victim too? The lighting in the room started to take on a grayish-blue tint, suggesting the sun would be rising soon enough, so I knew that I didn't have much longer now.  

I felt as if I was never going to find any information on the girl, but then at last, I found her. I swallowed hard, I had seen one of the victims and maybe even the murderer. Her name was Victoria Miller, her twenty-third birthday was supposed to be next month, and she was a fairly curvy girl. She didn't post on her social media as much as Stacy and Laura did and I could see why. People left plenty of rude comments about her size, even though she was gone. I felt anger boil inside of me, what had this poor girl done wrong other than exist in this harsh world? There were remarks that she was lazy and that if someone else hadn't killed her, her over-eating would have finished the job. 

I found her sins, but they didn't sit right with me. I knew that despite my anger, there was nothing I could do for her now, except find the asshole that took her life from her. So, I kept searching through what little of herself she had put out on the internet. I did eventually manage to find a picture of a darkly lit corridor that I knew to be the dungeon with the caption, 'It seems to never end, doesn't it?' I was unsure if she was a part of the Movement's community or the BDSM one, could I really blame her for wanting the promise of a new world? Then again, I couldn't see why the cult would kill one of their own. So, maybe she embraced her curvaceous body and went for the more open-minded side of life.  

Why hadn't they mentioned a third 'offering' though if that was the case? Maybe the followers of the JTR Movement weren't meant to know about her killing. I saved all that I could about Victoria because something about her situation didn't add up for me and I wanted to come back to her. I would need to get ahold of Darien first for that. There were still some things that he had yet to explain to me and I was becoming fed up with not having any answers. 

I was going to find a way to put a stop to this cult, so they could no longer kill innocent women for their petty, minor sins. It wasn't the JTR Movement's place to force that sort of judgment upon these people, but it was the place of the law to see that they got theirs. If I could prove what they were doing they would finally be stopped and Chris, myself, and everyone else around us would be safe at last. 

I shut my laptop after that and placed it on the desk before crawling under my covers. I had just shut my eyes when Lea's alarm went off, I had made it just in time. 

Mackenzie let out a long sigh as she muttered, "God, I hate that sound."

Lea sat up and shut off the blaring alarm clock before stretching out her arms and calling, "Are you up yet, Amber?"

I sat up on my elbows and I guess I must have appeared as crappy as I felt because Mackenzie questioned, "Are you feeling alright?"

"I couldn't sleep," I say in a half-truth. 

She gave me a sad smile before suggesting, "Maybe you should just skip class today, as far as I know, your grades can handle it."

"I'll take some notes for you if they go over anything important." Lea remarks, wordlessly agreeing with Kenzie as she gets out of bed. 

I smiled sleepily, already lowering my head back onto my pillow murmuring, "Thank you."

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