Chapter 9 (have a heart ...or 2)

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Alpha Gage POV

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Alpha Gage POV

I felt me beta Sam's power as he approached me the coward couldn't even face me while I was awake. He'd plotted against me with my delta omega even my cousin Hunter had joined in. They all had to die for this betrayal. But Beta Sam had to die first. I awakened my mate by releasing her from the mind  link. I opened my eyes just as my beta prepared himself to deal me a killing blow. Before he could strike i lunged for him knocking him into the cell wall. He slowly stood eyes widening at my increased power from my bonding with my mate . "You really bonded with her, but how ?"he asked gaping at me. "We linked our minds" I answered.  "you would have to be mates to actually form such a bond with her " my delta said from across the room his mouth hung open as if just realizing what a mistake he had made. his time was coming but for now i focused my attention on my traitor of a Beta. Beta Sam is older but i am stronger.  He rolled to his side and slowly stood clutching his side. "She is my mate too Alpha I did not know she was your mate as well judging by how she arrived bruised and bleeding" he said as he spat blood on the floor. "Idiot do you honestly believe that i would harm a female, after all the decades we have know each other have any of you seen or even heard a whisper of me harming a female? i raised my eyebrow and looked at each of them. There heads hung in shame for allowing themselves to be turned against me so easily. "Beta Sam for trying to turn my pack against me, trying to kill me and hiding my mate away you must die" i said with finality. "She is my mate to i was only trying to protect her"he explained. I detected no lie in his words he actually believed they were true, this made him a threat to my mate as well my wolf and i agreed friend or not he had to die by our hands.  We circled each other in the small cell. i shifted my human hands in to claws and my beta gulped and did the same. I slashed Sam across the chest blood pooled on to the floor. He tried to slash me back but being an alpha plus my new found power from marking my mate made me quicker. I avoided his claws and scraped a jagged line down his right shoulder. Sam held his wound and i slashed the other arm. he dropped his hold on his shoulder and tried to ram into me in desperation, but his speed was no match for mine. i easily stepped out of his range and grabbed him so that i could snap his neck and get back to my mate.

 i easily stepped out of his range and grabbed him so that i could snap his neck and get back to my mate

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noley pj

Noley Moon POV

I woke up from my dream about Gage in a strange room. I felt my neck were Gage had bit me in the dream and felt a sting I looked at my hand  and came back with blood. If the bite was real then the wolf was real and the tree and the wedding. The memories came rushing back then it hit me like a semi truck, they were about to kill Gage because they thought that he hurt me. I hoped out of the bed wondering who had changed my cloths and searching for my shoes. i slipped them on and ran to where i heard the sound of snarls. there was a large cabin i  saw "people " gathering outside. I slipped into the back door and down a narrow stairwell. I made it down to see three men watching the werewolf and Gage fighting. there was a wet tearing sound and i soon found out it was the sound of Gage digging his hands, no his claws into the other guy. for the life of me i could't figure out why it affected me so strongly. i know this isn't something one would see every day but it was like my heart was breaking over seeing the other guy being harmed. Tears trailed down my cheeks as I raced past the three men and into the cell with Gage just as he was about to snap the guys neck. " You don't want to see the sweet heart go upstairs this won't take much time"Gage said gently. "please Gage don't do this" i begged. "Your still thinking like a human you don't understand our ways if i don't kill, kill them all i will seem weak more wolves would try to challenge me, this must be done now go upstairs"he yelled.I planted my feet where i stood "i don't know what this thing is between us but i know seeing you harming him hurts me" i said pointing to my heart. "So you chose him then" Gage said glaring at the man he was about to kill. I don't chose anybody i just know that if either of you were hurt or to die it would break my heart , i told myself that i rushed over here because you said they were going to kill you for something you didn't do, but honestly it was to beg them not to kill you because I love you sort of and i cant explain why but its what i feel for both of you" by the time i finished they both looked at me confused. "if he didn't harm you then who did"the werewolf asked. "I'd rather not say" i said quietly. I turned to Gage and said " if you care for me at all you will let them go". He released the wolf-man there was a loud smack as he fell to the ground. I flung my arms around Gage not caring that his chest was covered in another mans blood. His broad body tensed at first then i felt him relax and complete the hug by embracing me as well. His chest vibrated as he spoke to the others " Delta Marshal, omega Denver  , Hunter, and beta Sam" each man looked up like the knew what was coming but i still didn't see it. he said Hunter's name and a large  viking looking man with  long bleach blond hair looked sad and dropped his gaze. beta Sam looked up from the floor of the cell when his name was called his dark eyes met mine  causing things below my abdomen to grow hungry with need. "Your crimes against your pack are normally met with death because of my mates luna. he paused and quirked an eyebrow at me then i remembered i hadn't given him my name. Noley Moon I said smiling up at him.  He returned my smile and continued "After Luna Noley Knightly's heartfelt request you will be banished from the pack along with your families , you may never set foot on our lands again , if you do then i will have my way after all and you will die by my hand" My smile vanished this was not what i wanted he couldn't send them away.

Note to reader: So much drama, can't keep up will Noley get Gage to change his mind. Or will he change her's one way to find out keep reading. Laters

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