39 diplomacy

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Noley pov

Either my boys are great actors are there are more resilient than I thought. Me and Hunter enter the kitchen and they are play fighting with their grandfather. They stopped and stare up at me and Hunter holding hands alpha Gavin has a look of concern on his face why the boys are smiling mischieviously. Mommy smells like Hunter does that mean he will be our new Daddy Gavin says to his grandfather. I sniffed the air to see if I can tell a difference and how I smell it stings my nose and I rub it to get rid of it. Hey what's that stingy scent is not me is it I asked. If it were a house full of humans they would have just shrug it off but shifters no to follow instinct. Gavin and Hunter each sent the air but are unaffected. I don't smell anything out of the ordinary besides your scent mingled with mine and it doesn't sting Hunter says pulling me into a hug alpha Gavin shakes his head me either he says. Let's trust your nose anyhow Noley try to see if you can follow where the scent is coming from. We call down Aurora to watch the boys much to their protest. And Hunter alpha Gavin and I go to find the smell. As we get closer to the dungeons alpha Gavin sticks other arm and haults me. If there's something going on in the cells gauge is there is too he says. How will you guys check the scent without me I say. We'll find it if it's there were close enough to it now alpha Gavin says. I stand outside the dungeon and watch as Hunter and alpha Gavin go in. The smell is even stronger here and no guards can be seen it has to be a good reason that the guards have left their post. A feeling of fear creeps up my stomach at what that reason could be.

Hunter and Gavin come back out of the case in a hurry Hunter pulls me to him Gage has escaped. Gages father calls in a witch to see if that is what is stinging my nose.  the witch is  young with purple hair heavy black make up and a black cloak.  she walks around the entrance chanting and the stinging starts to go away.  her magic swirls around like a physical thing i reach out an touch it then it fades. she stops chanting and looks at Alpha Gavin "the spell has been lifted but i cant trace who the caster was" Alpha Gavin steps forward "thank you Diedra" he says.  she points my way "you are a natural witch and very powerful do not allow your self to fall in to the wrong hands" she warns.  "im a wolf not a witch " i say. "YOU are both very rare but you are i can teach you to focus your magic " she offers. "that wont be necessary Diedra should she chose to be train Helda can do it" Alpha Gavin says. she shrugs and says " sure use the dark witch to lift a spell but keep her away from the wolf witch cant have it going bad " she mocks. "that will be all Diedra you may leave" he says. she start walking then stops in front of me "havent you been controlled enough " she says to me and sashays away. 


i walk back to town grinning the entire way im tired from all the magic i used and the walk drains me even. i reach the  shrunken eye  its a whole in the wall bar at the edge of town.  he's there already dressed to the nines in a ruby colored velet suit his skin is almost as white as the ruffle collar shirt he is wearing. he stands and extends his arms for a hug. "Malcom" i say in greeting.  "Diedra greed is not becoming you were paid handsomely to cast that spell and remain undetected" he says smoothly. he releases his hold on me and ever the gentleman pulls my seat out for me. "The alpha called me to lift the spell if i turned him down dont you think that would have caused suspicion " i whisper.  " well played witch just dont deviate from the plan any more i have worked to hard for you  to ruin things for me now" he says. "Chill out None of them suspect a thing and i have information on your little wolf girl but it will cost you " i say stroking his vain. he stands and says "come with me" and walks away leaving no room for argument. 

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