Stupid jerkface danger noodle cornering you into doing what he wanted.

However, you were healed a lot faster than you would have otherwise, so you couldn't complain too much. Though you wanted to, even though the blood donations did Loki absolutely no harm, as he had to remind you every time.

The morning you were to leave, you were in your suite making sure you were prepared to deal with the sun. It was about an hour before dawn. You didn't know how long you were staying and knew you wouldn't be able to stay out of the sun the entire time you were there, so you were packing. There was a soft knock on your suite's door. "Come in!" you called.

"You should be careful inviting people into your room without seeing who they are, kitten. There's rumors there's a vampire around," Loki teased as he came into your suite.

You laughed. "I think I'm safe from the vampire, noodle," you replied as you vanished your parasol and turned to go hug him. "You guys ready to head out?" you asked and stole a kiss. He smirked and kissed you back.

"Very nearly. I came to bring you this," he told you warmly and handed you the bundle of cloth that had been in his arms. You raised an eyebrow as you took it from him. "You can't go to Asgard without Asgardian attire to wear,"

You groaned. That didn't sound pleasant. "Asgardian attire doesn't sound like it includes my jeans or the Black Sabbath shirt I stole from Stark," you informed him with a hint of a whine, glancing at your current outfit, which included the stolen Black Sabbath shirt.

"On that point you would be correct, little one," he smirked and gestured to the bundle of cloth in your arms.

You unfolded it to reveal a black and green dress that was like nothing you ever saw on Earth. " a dress," you grumbled at him, sighing heavily. You were a grease monkey and didn't do dresses unless you had to. Apparently in Asgard you were going to have to.

"True. And it is in my colors," he added with a touch of pride. Or possessiveness, it was hard to tell.

You sighed heavily and rolled your eyes at him. "You're incorrigible," you informed him dryly, but folded the dress over your arm to take it into your bedroom to change once he had left.

"I am courting you, darling. You are my girlfriend, if you prefer the Midgardian term. It's Asgardian custom for the lady to wear her man's colors, especially among the nobility, of which you cannot deny I am a member," he added with a smirk. You rolled your eyes again. He was a prince, of course he was a member of the nobility.

"Fine, fine," you agreed finally and kissed him. "Now shoo so I can change," you teased.

He smirked and offered an overly elegant bow. "As my lady wishes. We'll meet you in the living room when you're ready," he added before he vanishes in a shimmer of green light.

You changed quickly into the black and green dress, the soft leather slippers, and black and green cloak. You used a quick bit of magic to do your hair in a suitably elegant style, and make sure it stayed that way. Once that was done and you were sure your sun gear was hidden in a dimensional pocket as well as a couple books, a toolbox, some other random bits of equipment and odds and ends that might come in handy, you made your way downstairs to the living room where Thor and Loki were both waiting.

"So... how it look?" you asked Loki after you stepped off the elevator and the boys came over to greet you. They were both in Asgardian style clothes as well.

"You look radiant as ever, kitten," Loki told you warmly and kissed you.

"Asgardian dress suits you, Lady Y/N," Thor adds kindly.

With that settled, you said goodbye to Bucky and Nat who were both in the living room to see you off, then went to the circle outside where Thor usually called the Bifrost. There seemed to be a permanent Bifrost circle etched in the ground. Thor raised Mjolnir and Loki wrapped his arm around you, holding you tightly against his side. "Travelling by Bifrost is an experience," he explained when you looked up at him confused. Thor called to Heimdall and the Bifrost opened around you.

You flew up into the sky and held on tightly to Loki shocked and in awe at the rainbow bridge. You stepped into the Bifrost chamber and were faced with a large man with a huge sword. "Welcome back to Asgard, you highnesses, and welcome lady," he bid you all in a deep voice. You dropped your arms from Loki's waist, but took his arm when he offered it to you.

"Thor, Loki, you made it," a woman said as she entered the Bifrost room. Both boys turned to look at her.

"Sif!" Thor greeted her kindly and gave her a hug. Loki walked over to her with you.

"Darling, this is Lady Sif, one of the fiercest warriors in Asgard. Unfortunately also one of Hammer-brain's friends. She however is much more pleasant company than the rest of the oaf's friends. Sif, this is my beloved, Y/N of Midgard," Loki did the introductions. You and Sif exchanged pleasantries.

Sif gave you an appraising look, though. Too appraising. "Um...Loki? Should we be concerned that your little mortal's heart isn't beating?"

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