1. Percy

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        Hello readers, sorry about not posting the actual story for a long time and to make up for it I'm posting multiple chapters! Please tell me if you see any mistakes with grammar or spelling. I take criticism but please put it kindly. Also percy will be aged down to about 15. The prophecy happens when she was 14 and Gaia when he was 15. Thank you for reading!

I apologize for what you are about to read

Last warning about my bad writing


~~Percy POV~~

This cannot be real. She can't be gone. All she wanted was some type of normalcy in her life but because of me..

She's gone...

This wasn't the plan...

This wasn't THE PLAN


She promised...

~~Time skip~~

"Percy you need to get out of bed"

I groan and slowly look up to see the rest of the remaining seven surrounding my bed.

"Percy, it's not good for you to stay in bed all the time," Hazel added.

"Please if not for you then for us to get up, please. Your mom wouldn't want you to be lurking for the rest of your life. She would have wanted for you to get your ass off that bed and start living your life again."

Of course Annie mentioned her.

It's been about 6 months since my mom, paul and my unborn sister died in a 'fire'. At least that's what the metal said was what happened. Only we knew the real reason.


They must have smelled some of my scent in my room and on my parents.

They killed them as my mom was making food so the stove was lit and that caused the fire part...

The mortal police have been looking for me for about 3 months before I tried to go home just to find ashes left of my home. Some of my old neighbors saw me and called the police to tell them that I was found

They took me down to the station and explained what happened with my family.

They also explained that because I was underage (15 to be exact), I needed to stay with a family member, I thought I had none left besides my godly family. Which is true. But then they ran some of my blood through the database (I know they dont have DNA on the godly side but just bare with me) and discovered that I have a half-brother on my father's side, but somehow don't know who said father is.

Arthur Curry, otherwise known to most people as Aquaman.


Sorry this was so short, I'll try to make longer chapters in the future.

Signing off,


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