The waiter takes our empty plates back into the kitchen, and then returns with a freshly popped bottle of wine to refill our glasses before he scurries back into the kitchen.

I slump back in my seat and let my gaze go to the small kitchen door.

"Does he know?" I curiously ask.

I see Killian follow my gaze out of the corner of my eye before he turns to look at me and says, "yes, he does. Everyone hired here knows who I am and what they signed up for, but they don't mind."

I look back at Killian to see him as slumped as I, tracing circles on the very top of his full wine glass.

"I pay my employees well and they adore me," he continues as he stops tracing circles.

"Or they endure you," I mumble under my breath and then pick up my glass to take a sip of the bitter wine.

I set my glass down and crossed my arms.

"So where is the dessert anyways?" I asked with annoyance in my voice as Killian snickered.

"You're looking at it darling," he spoke low and huskily as he leaned back in his chair and bit his lip.

I raised my brows and leaned back myself.

"Seriously?" I questioned sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.

"Dessert please. You know what to bring," he cheekily ordered from the waiters by the kitchen doors and then winks at me.

Someone help me, I might throw up. If I do though, please let it land on Killian and not my dress or this decadent dessert that is coming.

I picked my glass up and took a sip. As I set my glass down he makes eye contact with me, looking at me deeply, almost as though I am the only woman in the room.

Technically I am, but it starts to make me feel uncomfortable.

I squirm in my chair for a moment while he guns his signature crooked smile and his smoldering eyes at me.

That only makes me even more uncomfortable, but my chest fluttered like butterflies were swarming inside of me.

"Would you stop looking at me like that?" I remark and glance away for a moment. When I look back I see a smile plastered across his perfectly chiseled face.

"Like what Princess?" He turns his head slightly which makes the dim lights from the restaurant reflect in his glimmering eyes like fresh snow.

"Like that, all gooey and sweet," I force out, almost disgusted.

"Oh you know you love it when I give you attention," he states and then winks once.

"You're delusional," I correct and raise my brows slightly.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not," his accent was thicker than a bowl of oatmeal.

"Where is the dessert I was promised?" I ask, getting antsy.

"It is coming....or maybe we could skip dessert and get down to it," he seductively smiles and bites his lip.

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