Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

"Sorry." He said softly as I composed myself, "It's hard to not be myself when I'm with you."

"I guess I can't say that's a bad thing." I mumbled back, and he smiled crookedly. I examined his palm, tracing the creases in it.

"Tell me what you're thinking." He said suddenly in a soft, desperate plea, "It's still so weird for me not knowing."

"You know that's exactly how the rest of us feel down here on Earth." I chuckled, and he scoffed.

"I still wanna know." He said in a soft, sultry voice.

I sighed, looking into his eyes which sparkled, "I was wishing to know what you were thinking." I said, and he smirked, "And wishing that I could believe you were real... wishing that I wasn't afraid."

He rose his head to level with mine, "I don't want you to be afraid." He said gently, his fingers curling to come in contact with mine.

"I'm not afraid in the way you would think, Natsu." I said softly, and he tilted his head.

So quickly was I able to miss his next movement. He had been in a half-sitting position, his unoccupied hand propping him up. And though our positions were parallel, his face was a good distance from mine. But in a quick motion, he was sitting completely up, my right shoulder and his left came in contact with one another, and his face was a mere few inches from mine. 

"What are you afraid of then?" He asked in his velvety voice. My heart skipped a beat with his breath touched my face. It was such a sweet fragrance, delicious enough to make my mouth water. Without thinking, I leaned into him to breathe in his scent.

And then he was gone. I blinked to see him back to the entrance. I could see his face, his eyes dark and lost in the shadows of his hair. I could feel my face, hurt and shocked. My empty hand felt numb. 

"I'm... I'm sorry, Natsu..." I breathed, knowing he could hear me regardless of the twenty feet that separated us.

"Just give me a sec." He called, louder for my less sensitive ears. It was when I saw his chest rise and fall, his eyes wide, and his face still—in an attempt to calm his need—that I realized just how difficult this must be for him. And I was the worse girlfriend in the world for ignoring his warnings.

He started back to me, stopping two feet away as opposed to right next to me like before. He crossed his legs, his eyes stuck to mine as he smiled in apology.

"I am so very sorry, Luce." He said genuinely, and I breathed shakily, my gaze falling, "Would you understand me if I said I'm only human?" He chuckled, and I nodded, not quite as able to crack a smile. I felt horrible.

When he sensed the change in my physique, the sudden realization of danger in my system, his smile turned mocking.

"I must be the world's most dangerous predator, right?" He chuckled without humor, and I looked at him, "Everything about me invites you in. My voice, my face, even my smell... As if I need any of that!" He slammed his fist against the ground, producing the same sound as someone's spine being split apart. I flinched intensely, and when I blinked, he was across the meadow again.

"As if you could outrun me!" He laughed hysterically, flashing to another corner of the field, and then another. Then, he stood next to the trunk of one of the many trees circling the field, and in another hasty movement, he tore a two-foot thick branch off of it with little to no exertion. He then launched it across the meadow, causing it to collide with a tree that matched the size of the one it was ripped from and making it sway.

"As if you could fight me off." He said, suddenly right in front of me, his face inches from mine as he sat in a crouched position. I jumped at his sudden closeness, my arms propping me up, readying myself to jump up and run. But I didn't.

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