Chapter Four - Final

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THERE'S A SMUT SCENE! I couldn't resist because it just happened. Like, I was typing when all of a sudden Jin just started hitting on Yoongi and I was like, "Alright. Do whatever you want then, the fuck." So, yeah. It's just a BJ scene, but it's my usual fairly graphic style, so beware.

The first thing that Yoongi noticed as he slowly drifted out of his dream was that the sun was really fucking bright in this room and he was going to have to fix that. Add some darker curtains or something. The second thing he noticed was that Seokjin was still wrapped around him like an octopus and it was actually really nice, something that he wouldn't mind waking up to every morning. Less nice was the rock hard and impressively large bulge pressed against his ass because he couldn't do anything about it without coming off as a creep. His body trembled just knowing that Seokjin was this freaking close, with that part nestled against him like it belonged there. Just as he was contemplating if he could get away with rubbing against it at least a little and blame it on a dream, he noticed a third thing.

There was a crunching sound near his side of the bed, followed by an irritating smacking that sounded like a noisy eater. There was the rustle of a crinkly bag as the sounds continued, annoying Yoongi to the point where he finally cracked his eyes open a little.

Jimin, Jungkook, and their new little friend Taehyung had lined up three chairs and were currently passing a bag of chips between each other as they stared right at Yoongi like he was a zoo animal on display. Jungkook dusted his hands off and leaned forward to smirk at him once he noticed that he was awake.

"I never took you for the small spoon," he teased quietly, raising an eyebrow at the pair on the bed.

Yoongi swallowed a little in an attempt to wet his sleep dried throat."You know I sleep with a gun nearby, don't you?" He rasped, keeping his voice quiet in an attempt to let Seokjin get a little more sleep.

The three snickered quietly, although apparently not enough as a low whine sounded from the face buried in Yoongi's hair.

"Yoooongi. Make the kids go away," Seokjin grumbled, his voice still thick and deep with slumber.

"They're your kids; they don't listen to me."

Jungkook gave a snort of laughter. "Hey, we were just coming by like Yoongi told us to. Plus, I figured you'd want to get home to change into your own clothes and slap on your fifty face creams. I had no idea I'd walk into such a cozy scene. Yoongi, what are your intentions towards my brother?"

"It's hyung, you brat. And my intentions are for you to wait in the damned study like everyone else. Jesus Christ, what do I pay Namjoon for if he can't keep the pests out?" Yoongi huffs as he sits up tiredly, ruffling his hair as he stares down the trio.

Seokjin follows suit, shuffling up with a groan until he was sitting with his back against the headboard, sporting borrowed pj's from Namjoon since he'd forgotten to pack any. He smiles sleepily at his brother.

"We'll be down in a bit. Kookie, can you round up some food and meet us in Yoongi's study?"

"You got it. You need help downstairs?"

"My ribs don't feel as bad today. I think Yoongi can handle it."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow as he shamelessly looked up and down Yoongi's torso as if to say This guy? Yoongi flipped him off as Jungkook led his giggling companions out, but not before Jimin snuck his head back in the door once more to snap a photo on his phone.

"Sorry, Min. You two just look so cute," he cooed before dashing away.

And just like that, they were left alone as they listened to the boys stomping and snickering their way down the stairs. Yoongi looked down at his lap, suddenly feeling incredibly shy as he finally processed that he'd just slept in the same bed as Seokjin all night, completely wrapped up in each other - and he'd loved it. He couldn't remember the last time he'd slept completely through the night, let alone the last time he'd actually just slept with someone.

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