Chapter Three

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The warehouse was near the seaport, nearly an hour away, and the entire drive there was made in silence. Everyone was tense and battle ready, fearing the worst but hoping for the best. Yoongi had even generously offered to let Seokjin be in control of the music if he wanted (something he never offered to anyone), but he had declined, stating the silence was comforting. Yoongi didn't really understand that, because if anything it made him jittery, but he let it drop. Only the occasional forlorn sighs broke through the tense stillness as Yoongi tried his best to get them there as quickly as possible.

After what felt like the longest trip of his life, the building came into view and Yoongi pulled into an alley to alert his men. The sun was just beginning to set, lending an eerie crimson glow to the area that he hoped wasn't a sign of things to come. It had been way too long since he'd last been out doing his own dirty work, so he was maybe a little on edge. Message sent, he sighed weightily and pulled out his gun, checking it over and stashing another clip into his jacket. The car was suddenly filled with the sounds of buckles being undone and weapons being loaded and checked as the others followed suit.

"Joonie, give me a gun."

"Baby, no. You're going to be in the car and Yoongi's men are watching. You don't need a gun."

"I'm not staying here. Haven't you seen horror movies? The person that stays in the car always gets killed."

"I'm pretty sure it's the opposite, sweetheart. Just stay here for me, please? I'll be able to concentrate better if I know you're safe."

"Joon! Come on!"

Yoongi growled and pulled an extra Glock from his glove box and held it behind him.

"Jesus Christ, if he wants to fight so bad, let him. Honestly Hoseok, I don't even understand why you're here."

Hoseok smiles widely as he meets Yoongi's eyes in the rearview mirror.

"If Jungkookie is hurt he'll need me."

Yoongi supposed that was true. "Still, stay close to us. Don't draw attention to yourself. Do you even know how to shoot that?"

Hoseok shrugged sheepishly, which Yoongi took to mean he didn't.

"Have Namjoon explain it before we get out. Only shoot if you have to. How someone could apparently work for three fucking gangs and not know how to shoot is a mystery," he sighed, then pulled out his phone to send one last text to let his men know they were ready.

"I'm a doctor. People tend to avoid shooting the person that keeps them alive and asks no questions." Hoseok smirks before turning to quietly talk to Namjoon.

Yoongi shook his head fondly, then turned to Seokjin,

"You ready?"

Yoongi had admittedly never seen Seokjin in action before, so the person next to him was practically a stranger. Seokjin was sitting ramrod straight, his gaze locked onto the warehouse in front of them. His eyes were hard and cold and his plush lips that were usually laughing or smirking were set in a hard line. He already had his good hand firmly clenched around his Beretta and had his injured arm hidden in the folds of his jacket. You could barely tell he was hurt. He looked like a man that could kill you without a thought before going to have tea with his mother. This was the crime boss Kim Seokjin and Yoongi had very complicated emotions about the way he looked right now. The sudden image of him on his knees staring up at this version of Seokjin was one that he didn't think would go away very soon.

Seokjin turned to him, his eyes softening for a moment as he nodded. Yoongi answered with a quirk of his lips then signaled to everyone else. They silently left the car, barely closing to doors to not make a sound. Seokjin was on his left and Namjoon took his usual spot on his right. Jimin and Hoseok were behind him, with Jimin taking the initiative to guard Hoseok.

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