Didn't look like it when I was there.   

"She is?" I say skeptically.   

"Well yeah. According to Julietta" Cooper shrugs.

"You've spoke to Julietta?"

"Not me. Luca and Mason. When Coral said you were at the Cornucopia, Luca insisted that we go right away. When they got there, neither you nor April was there. Only Julietta was, and she denied Coral's story. Then they got out of there before April came back."

"Oh well that makes sense." I reply. "Wait, so they just left Julietta there?"

"They offered to let here join the team, but she refused"

And now she's dead.

 As Cooper and I make our way to the settlement, I find myself attempting to memorize the trail from the Cornucopia to the settlement as it might come in handy at some point in the future. Cooper looks at me inquisitively every so often as if he hasn't quite figured me out yet. He's wondering why I believed him without proof – he thinks I just took his word for it. Little does he know that I already knew everyone in Luca's alliance from eavesdropping on Coral and Eric's conversation.

Cooper and I walk in mostly silence and I'm grateful. It gives me time mull over the turn of events.  Although Cooper has been a great help to me, there is still so many things that don't make sense.  

"Do you know where Coral is now?" I ask.

"No idea. I hope I never have to see her again." Cooper answers.

"She was only doing those things because her brother told her to. He was an awful person" I say.

I don't know why I'm so quick to defend Coral after I poured my heart out to her and she left without a word.

"Coral's brother was in here?" Cooper says looking genuinely surprised.

"Yeah, he's the other District 4 tribute" I say as if it weren't obvious.

"He's dead now, isn't here?" Cooper asks.


"I wonder how he died." Cooper says in a non accusing tone.

"I...I don't know" 

Once we arrive at the lake, a sense of relief washes over me. According to Cooper, the settlement is near the lake, so we must be close. Instead of trekking on, Cooper stops and stares at the trees just above us. Judging from the look on his face, you would've thought he'd seen an angel. 

"A bee hive!" Cooper exclaims.

"A bee hive?" I ask.

"Yeah, bee hive. That's where the bees make honey." Cooper says plainly.

"I know what a bee hive is. I just didn't know that bees still existed"

"Oh yes. We used to have them all over District 9. But that was before the dark days." Cooper says sadly. "The honey was the best food we had"

Then Cooper's face lights up, as if he has an idea. He picks up a stick from the bank and starts to beat the hive.

"Wait! The bees, won't they be angry?" I say backing away.

"No. Look at the way the nest sits. This hasn't been touched in years. The bees are most likely dead." Cooper explains, the look of amazement still plastered across his face.

"Are you some kind of bee expert?" I say, still keeping my distance.

"No no of course not" Cooper laughs.

Cooper continues to strike the hive until it falls to the ground with a heavy thud. It cracks open like an egg and a swarm of wasp erupts from the nest.

"RUN!" I yell.

But it's too late. The swarm has already descended on Cooper. He starts to run around in circles and flailing his arms. I feel a pinch on my hand and then a shooting pain up my arm. Cooper falls to the ground with a boom, his body covered in huge lumps.

They're going to attack me next. I have to run. If only the world would stop spinning.

The lump on my hand has started burning. I have to cool it down; I have to get to the lake. If only the trees would stop rocking back and forth. I'm on the move but barely. The colours of the forest start to blur together, but I just make it out. A swirling pool.

I dive in without hesitation forgetting the fact that I can't swim. Luckily it's only up to my knees when I stand up. I dip my hands in the water, hoping it will reduce the pain but it only increases it. The stinging is hopefully part of the healing process.

I sit down and duck my head underwater watching the bubbles rise to the surface. I must be covered in dirt. There's something strange about the water. It's darker than I thought it would be. I pop my head back up and find myself surrounded in blood.

I stumble out of the water just in time to see a figure bounding towards me. Alexis. Her wavy brown mane turns into hissing snakes and her outstretched hands turn into claws, ready to snatch.

My legs give up on me and I fall into the bloody water. I roll over to face the surface and Alexis grabs my shoulders.

Panic shoots through me but I can't move; I'm falling into unconsciousness.

She's going to drown me. She's going to drown me. She's-

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