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America gasped for breath as he strained himself as much as he could to sprint even faster. He grasped onto his satchel as it slipped further down his shoulder. America skidded around a corner, his destination finally in sight. He paid no attention to the child that he had rammed into that was now laying in the street. America pushed his glasses up onto his nose as he came to a halt. He doubled over and gasped for breath, searching in his bag as he did so. He needed to make sure that he brought his lunch; he thought that he might have left it in his hotel room in his rush to get to the meeting hall. America had wanted to get here early for a change, hoping that he wouldn't have to put up another egotistical act in front of the nations again. However, his chances were ruined by his alarm clock. America, now giving up on searching for his lunch, picked up his bag and slung it over his shoulder.

As America walked toward to roaring conference room, he began to wonder if Canada was doing well. Canada had offered to host the world meeting this year. Though most of the nations never notice the personification of Canada, they certainly know where the land of Canada is. Upon reaching the doors separating America from the other nations of the world, America sighed and gently laid his forehead on the cool metal door. Just another meeting to struggle though, America thought. If I get through today, I can finally go home and be alone in my own room. Upon concluding his thoughts, America opened the door and flashed a gigantic grin.

"The hero is here now! No need to worry," America proclaimed loudly to the nations filling the room.

Most of the nations ignored America, save an annoyed glare directed at him. Germany looked quite relieved to see that America was present and proceeded to yell at the other nations, "Quit your senseless chatter and sit down. Now that the final person has decided to grace us with his presence, we shall begin. The same rules apply as before. No more than ten minutes for each speech. If you have something to say, make sure that it is not stupid to save yourself and me the time of strangling you. If you wish to comment, raise your hand in a way that does not mock my country's past!"

Many of the countries rushed to their seats, eager to get the meeting over with and continue the pointless bickering that was happening prior to Germany's declaration. America dragged his feet and plopped into his seat, unhappy to start receiving the verbal abuse that was soon to occur. Germany started talking, or rather, yelling to keep attention, about the domestic issues of each country. They went around the table, each country reading from a written list of affairs that they were supposed to share with the rest of the world. America went next to last, mindlessly droning off the list on the paper in front of him. Luckily for America, before he was like this, he demonstrated these mannerisms during the meetings, finding them to be nonbeneficial and consuming precious time. After all of the nations had gone, Germany started to write on a whiteboard. This was America's favorite time during the meetings. This was the time that all of the nations would sit and do whatever they wanted because Germany was usually too preoccupied drawing out his 'battle plans' on the whiteboard. America got out a notebook and started to write in it. This notebook was spiral bound and lined. It looked like a book that a child would carry with them to school, which was why America thought that it made such a good idea. He knew that most of the countries in the room kept journals that looked like journals. America's thoughts were as such: If a nation would get curious and look for his journal, the nation would never even think to look in something as common as a spiral bound notebook. Beside of America, England quietly retrieved his crochet hooks and red and gold material from his bag and started to crochet a scarf. America shook his head and was about to turn back to his notebook before his foot was hit under the table. America looked across the table to see Spain slouching in his chair, slightly sweating and with blushing cheeks. America, curious as ever, got a sneaking suspicion of what was happening and looked over to see an empty chair of the one whom he suspected of this act. America, innocently pretending to drop his pen, bent down to look under the table to see Romano at Spain's lap. America smirked at the pair and was about to about straighten when he got a devious idea. Smirking even more, if possible, America reached over and stoked Romano's curl. Romano let out a strangled noise and sucked even harder, squirming on the floor. Spain's hips jerked and America knew that his work was complete. Before he could be caught, America quickly straightened and began writing again. His smile quickly fading from his facial features. America's thoughts, that were joyful and full of laughter, had suddenly changed into depressing and full of darkness. The nation rested his forehead in his hand as his writing became more aggressive.

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