Chapter 9

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Chad's P.O.V.

“If I tell you, you won't freak out or be mad?” I look at Stella as she asks me the question and looks up at me. I nod at her, wanting to hear what she has to tell me.

    She lets out a sigh and starts speaking.

    “When we were in your cave and I was sleeping, I had a dream but it was more like a vision. I saw you looking out a window, looking at a tombstone. I couldn’t make out the writing on it. Then a guy came in the room that your in and called you your majesty. When your dad said that your the next heir to the throne, it hit me that the vision was becoming true and him saying that there’s gonna a war against the East Kingdom, I had to leave and think about it more.” Stella pauses and looks at me then starts again, “I didn’t want to tell you back then so you wouldn’t be scared or something.”

    I wrap my arm around her and pull her close to me. As I hold her close to me, I see her crying. I lift my hand up and wipe her tears away then pull her face up so she can look up at me.

    “I’m glad you told Stella. This is special that you can see things that hasn’t happened. Hell, if you have more of these visions about the war, about any info of the East Kingdom, their are planning, tell me and my dad, so we can plan more ahead.” I say and she starts to calm down.

    “ K, I will, but what about the vision I just told you? What if that tomestone has my name on it or your dad's?” She asks with a scared look.

    I take both of my hands and put them on either side of her face. “I’m not gonna let anything happen to you. You’re the best thing that happened to me when we met in the forest. Hell, my whole life. I’m not gonna let you go. But if it’s my dad’s name on the tomestone, I’m gonna have to take his place. He did say I was the heir to the throne. If anything did happen to you, I would never forgive myself.” I finish talking and see Stella smile. She raises one of her hands and puts it on my cheek.

    “I love you, Adam. Thank you.” I smile at her as she says those words and say, “I love you too.” I move in close to Stella and kiss her. She kisses me back and out of nowhere, there’s a voice, a female voice.

    “Excuse me sir, sorry to interrupt but the King would like to see the both of you.” I pull away from Stella and look at the girl talking. It’s the same girl from this morning. I nod at her and say, “On our way.”

    She nods back at me and walks off, back to the castle

I look back at Stella and say, “Come, guessing my dad wants to know why you walked off and you can tell him your vision. Sound good?” She nods at me and we both stand up from the bench and make our way back inside.

We find my dad in the main hall , looking at a picture on the wall. It shows him and a women next to him, maybe my mom.

He looks over at us and he begins to ask, “Stella, hope you don’t mind me asking, but why did you leave breakfast when we were talking about the war? Is there something wrong?” I look down at her as she looks up at me. I nod a her and she begins to tell my dad her vision.

Half an hour goes by with Stella and my dad talking to each other about her vision. Finally, my dad turns his attention to me and ask me a question, “You think she can help us win this war?”

I glance over at Stella as she has a small smile on her face and I look back up at my dad and say, “Yes, as long as Stella has more visions of the East Kingdom, then we have a chance.”

“Okay then. Stella, if you get anymore visions, tell us right away,” My dad says as he leans forward in his throne.

“I will.” Stella says, keeping her promise. I stand up and say, “Well, I’m gonna go back out to the garden. Would you like to join me, Stella?” I ask her, offering her my hand. She smiles and says, “I’d love to.” She takes my hand and I lead her the garden as my dad goes somewhere else.

Hope u guys enjoyed this chapter. Stay tooned for the next one.

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