When he passed me it, his hand brushed my half-full cup and, because I'd left it so precariously perched, it toppled over onto my lap, splashing my shirt in the process.

I put my notebook down on the coffee-free table. "Oh my gosh, Scar I am so sorry," Noah said and rushed off to get napkins. When he came back, I tried to dab at my clothing and get rid of the coffee but no luck.

I remembered I had a tank top underneath and took off my shirt, still dabbing at it. Quickly, I pulled the sweater I had hanging on the back of my chair back on and dropped to my knees to get rid of all the coffee on the floor. Noah just kept apologizing. "Noah, Noah! It's ok, no harm done, the coffee wasn't even hot anymore," I said, putting my hand over his and making eye contact with him.

In those few seconds, I don't actually know what happened. All I know is that a few seconds later we were kissing.

I don't even know if I kissed him or he kissed me first.

I do know, that now he was kissing me and I was kissing him back.

I wasn't aware of my jeans that were now soaked through with coffee or the fact that most of the people in the Starbucks were looking at us because of the amount of noise we had made in the process of spilling the coffee everywhere.

I didn't pull away until I couldn't breathe anymore and then my brain decided it would be a good idea to start working again.

I just kissed Noah.

And he just kissed me.

That was an unexpected twist.

"Scar-," Noah started but I got up and ran out of the Starbucks. Now it was pouring out and I was drenched within seconds, standing in the middle of the parking lot without a ride because Betsi was going to pick me up at five and it was 4:15 at the latest.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit," I said, shivering. I turned around as the bell on the door went off. Noah rushed outside, getting soaked within seconds as well.

"Scar!" he called, seeing me and running forward. There was no point in running away anymore, where could I possibly run to? "Am I really that bad a kisser?" he teased, I don't think he's ever teased me before. Ever. In any way.

"No," I said immediately and wished I hadn't. He hadn't been expecting me to actually give him an answer. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! This leaving us in an awkward silence that I didn't know what to do with. "You know, Nate's gonna be looking for me soon, I should head home," I lied, half wanting to go, half wanting to kiss him again. Ok, maybe it was more like I really wanted to kiss him again.

"Um, ok, is he picking you up?" Noah saw right through my lie but he was going along with it.

"Uh, no, I was going to, uh, walk," I muttered.

"Can I drive you?"

"Uh, um, well, uh..." I stuttered, trying to think of a solid reason.

"You must be freezing, you're soaking, please," Noah said and I gave in, I really didn't want to walk home, a fifteen minute walk in freezing rain.

We went inside and gathered our stuff. Noah had had the good sense to bring an umbrella and he put it up as we walked to his car. Without paying attention, I slid into the passenger's seat.

Noah got in the other side and looked at me quickly before driving. He probably thought I was a slut. Who kisses a guy when she has a date that night? Then again, it wasn't my choice to go on the date... I didn't want him to think badly of me and now I was worried that our friendship was ruined. And just when he started opening up to me and talking above a whisper.

Not Your Typical Love Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें