Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"Well miss impatient I'm taking you to this great dinner for dinner. That's all I'll tell you so sit back and relax well be there in twenty minutes," Day took my hand lacing his fingers throw mine rubbing small circles I smirked turning away from him to look out the window

We were heading out of town. I've only been out of town this way a few times these were the back roads to the next town and it was much faster to get on the freeway. I was trying to figure out what dinner he was talking about as I didn't remember there being a dinner in the next town Dayton took a right which confused me since we had to go straight to go to the town.

I turned to look at him he had a smirk on his face but didn't say anything. I placed my hand on his thigh giving him an innocent smile. He had gone stiff as I started rubbing circles on his leg slowly moving up as I got closer to his growing member he completely froze

"Don't play with me babe," he growled grabbing my hand stopping me from grabbing his crotch. I turned to him with the same innocent smile on my face

"I'm not playing," I said confused. He let out a groan as I took my hand back but instead of placing it in my lap I grabbed his member.

"Stop I won't tell you where we are going" he growled removing my hand i slumped in my seat crossing my arms.

"You really aren't patient" he muttered lowly not intending for my to hear.

"Look who doesn't get to touch me now"

"WHAT," he yelled loudly whipping his head my way.

"Your picking on me," I whined crossing my arms.

"How," he asked confused

"You said I wasn't patient,"

"You weren't suppose to hear that," he muttered

"I'm an alpha I have great hearing plus in very patient. When your taking your sweet time undressing me. When I just want you to fuck me,"

"I'll keep that in mind, but for now we are here,"

I got out before he could reach my door. He gave me a disapproving look. I just smiled grabbing his hand pulling him to my body.

"Let's go I'm hungry,"

"Such a tease," he muttered lowly.

"Yes, but I'm your tease,"

We walked into an old dinner it had a black and white tiled floor red booths along the walls and red bar stools along the counter and old women was behind the counter and a man was at the counter eating in all it was a cute place.

"Well if it isn't my baby" the old women came over to is pulling Dayton into a hug.

"Hi granny rose" he said hugging her back tightly.

"Oh Dayton it's been so long"

"I know I'm sorry I'll try to come by more"

"You best" she said waving her finger at him. I chuckled at the sight which caused rose to look at me.

"Oh who might you be sweetheart" she asked excitingly

"I'm Allie" I said sweetly

"She's my mate" Dayton added I was a bit shocked that he would say that to a human.

"Oh dear don't worry my husband is a wolf I'm one of the rare humans with a mate" she said laughing waving off my shocked expression.

"I'm so happy Dayton boy has found you"

"Thanks I'm glade I found him to"

"Come on now let's get you two a table"

She lead us to a table in the back most likely for some privacy.

"Two regulars" she asked Dayton which he just nodded

"Hope you don't mind but I know you will like it"

"No it's fine have you come here before"

"Yep this is an exact replica of the dinner back at our old land Rose was sad so I have it made for her. She and the cook are from my pack"

"That's sweet of you," I smiled at him. I didn't know he was this sweet.

"Here's you food" Rose said placing the food down before walking off happily.

We both started to eat and I had to admit this was really good food. I'll deffenitly have to come back here.

"So I had another reason for taking you out as well I want you to go away with me next weekend"

The Next Generation (sequle to she's my mate)Where stories live. Discover now